Forum Replies Created
what times are everyone playin RO cos when im in there that buddy tracker never shows you playin ??
XDCSprogParticipantYeah i think its safe to say no-one’s gonna write 2142 off til they’ve actually had a chance to play the thing for a bit
let me be the 2nd to join this niche parteh !
see ya when the ww2 engine version ever gets off the ground
nom ??
red orchestra ??? obviously peeps are still playin….this teamwork you speak of ?? does it revolve around teamspeak ?? cos i aint got it set up…..and bear in mind i only finished half life 2 on easy just last week 😯
the chances of me getting it installed are slim.
no one playin dod ?? i tried that on the free trial the other week…that looke pretty cool
XDCSprogParticipantforgot i had this…i may be in soon too….you still playing most nights nom ?
XDCSprogParticipantmastik soul – i believe
XDCSprogParticipantwheres the fucking argument threads gone !!! 😆
XDCSprogParticipantahem…..could you not get my sorry arse out of here quick enough ?? 😆
still here….flappin about in the wind……judgeh will be back too….i will alert him when i speak to him next.
the site went down….and it took me that long to find the new one….thats all that happened with me……not the most pc literate you could say.
XDCSprogParticipantscratch that……its all working.
XDCSprogParticipanti too am a divie…..have just put the full 1.3 patch on (437mb)
entered the game.
i give up…..i hate all this bollox…..and i love steam… open…..wait….play
looks like my BF2 days are well and truly over fellas……i cant be arsed with all this nonsense….re-install this….dont put that on….project reality is ok….but borks your BF2 if you uninstall……what the fuck ??
how much time is one person got to have to play a fuckin online shooter ??
grrrrrrr yours well and truly pissed off !!!
oh i started to load onto the XDC server but it crashed to desktop….file not found apparently 🙄
XDCSprogParticipantnope….no good…..the ea downloader thing is asking for my member name….i typed it in…..its not recognised….even though i have checked within BF2 i know my name its
asked for it to send it too my hotmail address….did it twice….fuck all sent.
tried again….i can only use it twice a day 🙄
how do you peeps have the patience for this poop ???
all this to get to shot to ribbons and artilleried ?? 🙄
XDCSprogParticipanthehe…i hate that honda ad too max…..arty farty nonsense !
XDCSprogParticipantthis is gonna go horribly wrong i can tell…..its telling me to get version 1.21 then directs me to a page that shows version 1.22 ??? 😕
remember that if my pc goes pop here trying to put these fucking things in…..thers a good chance i will never be seen again in tinterweb land…..cos i am clueless with pc’s !!!
erm it might be steam then….does it automatically dont it 😉
XDCSprogParticipantis this likely to fuck my pc up in any way ?? ie….sign my ass away to EA and give them free licence to my account so they can take money whenever for whatever amount they choose to take in anyway ?
i wont be getting the add ons i don’t think… waiting for FH2 !
XDCSprogParticipantIt’s actually the same place mate, we just deleted all the spam and irrelvant posts
hehe nice….i like it 🙂
i will try and find judgeh….although he is hard to track down what with the time differences now.
cheers for the warm XDC welcome chaps 🙂