xdc magicker

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  • in reply to: The Wild #23417
    xdc magicker

    yeh madicascar rox – i wnat my own troop of elite penguin ninjas to take on neons cocane addicted kawala

    in reply to: The Davinci Code #23652
    xdc magicker

    the sith monk kills a few bods to find some secrets

    race to find secret

    find a somewhat anti-climatic secret

    the end

    in reply to: Dr Tran Coming to a Cinema near you ….. #23457
    xdc magicker
    in reply to: AVI-DVD converters #23439
    xdc magicker

    i used to use power dvd producer gold

    great prog but still takes overnight to do it

    in reply to: Matrox Triple Head To – Go Multi Screen Toy #23429
    xdc magicker
    in reply to: Lost series 2 #23401
    xdc magicker

    wtf are you lot talking about?

    in reply to: The Last Drop #23420
    xdc magicker

    bloody hell it must have been bad if even you did not like it!!!

    in reply to: The Wild #23411
    xdc magicker

    is it linked to madagascar in any way? the posters looked related

    in reply to: BF2142 new trailer…. #23160
    xdc magicker

    thank fuck someone can see the light

    FH is the biggest pile of over hyped shit since the ipod

    get in tank … put cross hairs on victim … click button … kill

    … wank … wank. … wank

    in reply to: BF2142 new trailer…. #23139
    xdc magicker

    too much hasselto download what a gay site

    in reply to: Tit Monday! #22810
    xdc magicker

    Doc isnt gay is he? i always thought he played a stright whicket

    xdc magicker

    hmm nothing interesting happened on that day i guess

    in reply to: BJ classic! #23170
    xdc magicker

    Boris for PM

    well provided he removes all the other twats who call themselces tories but i could live wiht borris in charge

    in reply to: Only in america #23040
    xdc magicker

    @TurksMeister wrote:

    Although the woman is obviously a nut case, it seems to me that Fox news got her on the show just to lay in to her… they take it all very personally… wouldnt happen in the UK!

    You have to remember that fox news is a right wing religius institite and pretty much follow where george bush tells them to.

    as for not happening in the UK – the BBC gives a shit load of air time to religious nutters – just look at the disproportionate air time a few evangelical christians got over the jerry springer the opera fiasco and the sikh protests over the play in birmingham.

    the today program frequently has nutters with extreme minority views and gives them 10 mins to rattle off nonsence and that does not include thought for the day.

    at least in this case the fox representatives tried to rationalise with her – the bbc would never have confronted her and at best invite someone else along to try and give ballance with out pointing out that she was nuts.

    like docs says christians have a basic prob with the old testament nutter god which most sensible christians have kinda brushed aside or atleast taken the view that the new testament ethos supercedes the old testament.

    refusal to do so leaves christians in a no win situation in just the same way as trying to hold on to a creationist view undermines and sence of seriousness that they can be taken with.

    in reply to: TS #23063
    xdc magicker

    i used to just go and find my own BF room when people used to piss me off – fucking gummy bear songs spring to mind normally those who want to talk about the game normally came and joined me

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