The Davinci Code

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    Sooo this film.. loads of peeps looking forward to it.. Why??

    Having never nor will I read the book.. I’d like someone to tell me what its about..

    Looking at the advertisement boards I think its a spin off of StarWars as theres a Sith lord on it.. resembling the Emperor??

    or am I totally on the wrong path here..

    so .. whats all the fuss…

    xdc magicker

    the sith monk kills a few bods to find some secrets

    race to find secret

    find a somewhat anti-climatic secret

    the end


    The book irritated me… fucking sacred feminine… shove it up yo ass!

    Everyone knows men are better than women!


    One HUGE flaw of the book (of which there are many) is that Opus Dei don’t have monks, the are majority lay oragnisation with a few priests. My uncle is an Opus Dei priest and he’s been trying to get me involved for years, but it’s a bit too much for me.

    The books a pile of crap which people actually beleive (i irritates me as I get asked questions about it along the lines of “well Dan Brown has all this evidence…”.) Dan Browns a clever fool in that what he wrote is utter crap but he wrote it in such a way as to plant seeds of doubt in the minds of a generation who are accostomed to conspiracy theories.

    I am in a dillema as Audrey Tatou is in the film, and she is one of the most attractive women to ever have existed IMHO and I really wat to see her n it, but I guess I’ll skip it.


    I liked the book.


    @XDC_Wolf wrote:

    I am in a dillema as Audrey Tatou is in the film, and she is one of the most attractive women to ever have existed IMHO and I really wat to see her n it, but I guess I’ll skip it.

    I would rather just fuck her, do you reckon she would oblige for a tenner?

    BTW, Da Vinci Code, its in the FICTION section in any book shop/library.

    Nuff said


    Aye I am completely sick to the back teeth of hearing and seeing every two fecking minutes, either an advert for it or a documentry about it wank wank wank yada yada yada! sooner this film comes out the better!

    XDC MadHippy

    @=XDC=MADMAX wrote:

    Aye I am completely sick to the back teeth of hearing and seeing every two fecking minutes, either an advert for it or a documentry about it wank wank wank yada yada yada! sooner this film comes out the better!

    an so say all of us!

    xdc magicker

    must admit i am a bit lost at all the attacks from the established christian communities – would have thought this would be beneith their contempt.

    i thought it was quite a nice little intelignetly written book that blurs fact and fiction nicly

    cant see what all the fuss is about but it is worth a read

    no different from any other historical who donnit


    Well I know that Kevin Smith got death threats when he was making Dogma, so I’m not surprised that the christian church have kicked up a stink. What gets me is that you get a film like Dogma or one like this Da Vinci Code that point out some interesting stuff about christianity and the church slay it and drag its name through the mud.

    Then we hear that the numbers of people going to church is steadily diminishing and the church pay all the PR guru’s to come up with (let’s be honest) crap ways to promote their religion.

    A number of films that I watched which made me want to read more about what really happened were Black Hawk Down, From Hell and the Elephant Man. I just don’t see why the church don’t try and cash in in the same way, trading on the popularity of movies like the Da Vinci Code to get people into church.


    Well the bloke who did Dogma should have got a prize for having the good sense to get that tidy bird to dance around in a schoolgirl outfit. If he’d had made the rest of the film 2 minutes long and that scene an hour and 27 minutes longer it would have been the greatest film ever made.


    looking forward to it 🙂 – no i dont believe it (its just a fiction story) but then again for me the bible is just a fiction story also

    von smallhousen

    yeah if my ears aren’t being pummeled by james blunts faggot whinning i’m being interlectually raped by da vinci coders, now don’t get me wrong the concept of a jesus blood line is very nice, but bathing it in secret monks stone masons a catholisism just highlights the need for social society to believe in something they lost when TV dinners were invented.
    I’ve read the book, I liked it, I used it as a masterful tool to talk to women on a topless beach in Greece, “why your reading the da vinci code you must be a literary demi-god?” – “yes, I am, your breasts are superb have they been done?” And thats where I left it, perfect, mindless escapism just what a holiday is all about.

    que the real world, and now i can’t stand the mention of it, my thick fuck friends think they have discovered the most perverse conspiracy that mankind has forged, even bigger than roswell, see! split the word, you get ros-well… rose well, thats olden times for huge vagina, or the sacred huge vagina from outer space.
    stupid peoples knowledge of the da vinci code makes them feel intelligent, like they have always been involved in arts history, it’s like giving a fat girl a t-shirt that says ‘big-is-fun’ on it, shes feeling great, comfortable in her fashion, but deep down inside there no hiding the little niggling voice that says “you’re still a fat c**t”

    in such a stupid world i despise those people searching for faith far more than those who cherish a faith. cracking good writer though, spins a fucking good web.


    Well put VonSmallFuckStick

    The book was a good page-turner.

    But all this other gobbeldy-gook? Humbug I say,

    BTW, the wench who plays Gawd in Dogma was Bjork yes/no?

    He he “Do you do anal” “Aww come one, we just rescued you from them dwarves”


    I can’t remember who was in Dogma, but the bird I’m thinking of definitely wasn’t that fucking Dark Crystal gelfling turned crap singer bjork. No, no, no. It was the same bird who danced about with a snake in that vampire film and was also in some Wild, wild western with the arch king of being an annoying twat – Will f***ing Smith.

    Incidentally, she is one of only 3 birds that I’d like to have first dibs on when XDC takes over the world (it would have been 4 but that Angelina Jolie shagged Brad Pitt. No way am I swimming in that blokes bits).

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