Forum Replies Created
I’d heard he’d had the accident but so sad that he didn’t recover.
RIP Chris 🙁
AlzirKeymasterThe driver of the car we blew up shared his perspective 🙂
AlzirKeymasterI kicked Space last night after giving it about a month to mull things over. The long and short of it is he’s an annoying wee cunt.
I’m never quite sure why that is, and I’ve given him a lot of rope over the last 10 years, because I think there is something medical there, but at the end of the day I don’t want to have anything to do with him or any association.
If anyone is friends with him and needs to be put back in touch let me know, I can facilitate it.
Kicking someone from an online group isn’t an easy decision, especially when you consider what XDC stands for and how that evolves over the years. What made someone sound yesterday might not make them sound today, BUT in this case he was a cunt to me 10 years ago, in a similar vein to how he’s being a cunt now, so I think I’ve been patient enough with correcting this mistake in recruitment.
AlzirKeymasterWe’ll make it happen some year, obviously can’t during COVID, but maybe 2022/2023 might be a good shout….i should finally be done with the perennial student thing by then 😉
AlzirKeymasterJust a heads up that the TS server hasn’t been renewed this year. If there comes a need for it we can, but tbh I don’t see the point, when Discord is free.
AlzirKeymaster@bmstalker wrote:
@XDC_JAR wrote:
@TurksMeister wrote:
Oooo – What are your steam names?
I Chicken Dinnered the other day playing solo – was super cool!
In Pubg I am XDC-JAR jim is queeks. hope you see us what is your pubg name?
Predictably bmstalker 🙂
You play it?
AlzirKeymasterHands are a little tied on the overhaul Max, but I agree BF5 may well be the game. I’m going to get it for sure but I’m going to be busy if I do, so unsure how much time I’ll have for it unless i have a successful gofundme campaign :lol:. I have BF1 but really can’t bring myself to play it as I didn’t like it in beta and don’t think they’ve resolved all the issues. BFV may get me or may not, pubg I liked the idea of, but I played too much of the mod and really was bored by it in the end, so have never bothered with the full release. The main problem I have to get over is converting back to a game where the odds are even, as PS2 really spoiled me in that regard, but I’ll try with BF5.
A few of us are on whatsapp so maybe if a few more get on that we can chat directly on that
Who can invite to that? And what comms are you using in game?
AlzirKeymaster@TurksMeister wrote:
I should have just asked to borrow your key!
Man its quiet here these days. Maybe I should start posting 20 times per day like I did back in the day!
It was more than 20 mate! I still remember the bf42 forums and the amount of complaints I had to deal with 😆
AlzirKeymasterRemind me at the weekend and maybe.
Actually text me during the day so I remember to steal the mouse mat in work because my “desk” is what’s preventing me play a fps atm.
AlzirKeymasterThere’s John’s input, don’t hold back.
AlzirKeymasterAlzir: but so far xdc have ignored you rather than being the ones responsible for that?
=XDC=JAR: but usually its over gettting loot they get the maddest about
=XDC=JAR: yeah dont even ask to play i dont waste my time on them guys anymore and i think they blocked me or unfriended not sure
Alzir: i doubt that
Alzir: you wouldn’t see them on the list
Alzir: who are you asking out of interest?
=XDC=JAR: used to ask beer and those guys and max of course the regs that paly game but havent even tried in a couple of months for sure
=XDC=JAR: only play with space chaos , recoil , and jim from xdc
=XDC=JAR: rest of guys are from ogh and dont really get on with most of them
Alzir: ogh?
=XDC=JAR: but i love this game so keep laying
Alzir: ogame?
=XDC=JAR: old guys home i think
=XDC=JAR: online gaming hub is them
=XDC=JAR: this who are on steam that dont reply or say no max, beer, wolf they only ones on anymore
=XDC=JAR: doc is never on and if we have a discord channel then i never got the detils
Alzir: doc has a million accounts
Alzir: but he’s been avoiding me a few years
Alzir: might text him
=XDC=JAR: well he is a doc so i give him the benefit of the doubt
Alzir: perhaps
=XDC=JAR: bf1 days we palyed together had fun
Alzir: did you used to link up with him?
Alzir: oh
Alzir: fair enough
=XDC=JAR: all the guys and they are how i got started playing pubg
=XDC=JAR: played maybe twice with them then went to jims group
=XDC=JAR: but they are like us a group that have been together for a long time
=XDC=JAR: so i feel like the adopted step child
Alzir: lol
=XDC=JAR: if ya want you can copy any of this and post it im not very good at itAlzirKeymaster@Occa wrote:
Discord ftw! Hop in to say hello, I’m feeling lonely. Luckily I have Line there to say few words every now and then. 😆
AlzirKeymaster@Cha0sEngine wrote:
anyone on tonight??
Need a way to make sure we can find each other. Any suggestions?
I’m a little out of touch atm
AlzirKeymasterDon’t go overboard WET, you’ll probably have to save some for the inevitable DLC storm.
AlzirKeymaster@TurksMeister wrote:
Wow – 3 views… two of which were me… its getting a bit quiet in here!
Yea man, we really should look at how we communicate these days. Forums are getting a little outdated.