Just been burgled

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  • #15347

    Fucking cunts!!

    Stole my Camcorder, Uganda tapes (fortunatly I had them saved on my pc, and they left that), and a tape with some field work on that I need for next week. Also got 2 lap tops and a digital camera.

    So… I read somewhere that some dude hooked up his webcam to post pics somewhere on the web when the motion sensor was activated.

    Someone hook me up, what do I need? – Burgled twice now in 4 months… I want my vengance!

    XDC wild egg tamer

    sorry to hear about that turks………. 🙁


    Cunts. You want to get some ripe piss and put it in an empty whisky bottle and put it in a prominent place in case you’re burgled again. You could also shit into an empty Lion-Bar wrapper and seal it up and put it next to the bottle (eating peanuts before doing this is best).

    Did they do much damage getting in?


    nope – back gate is broken, and it took then 2 seconds to get through the window lock. Apparently we have reason enough to give our landlady a bollocking.

    Your plan sounds great, although I may have to febrese the poo…


    Damn, sorry to hear that Turks. You know that you’ve sunk pretty low when you’re stealing from students. Trouble is that if someone is intent on breaking into your house, then there isn’t much you can do about it.

    Oh, and remind me never to help myself to a sneaky drink and a chocolate bar over at Vic’s house 😯


    What you need mate is a wireless IP camera that links direct to your router and needs no PC, simply set it to either upload every 30 seconds or so or set it to motion sensor mode.

    This means that even if they nick the router and camera, they will already have been photographed and uploaded to your host site prior to the theft, they arnt too expensive these days either, pick one up for around £70.

    I know you are a poor student, but its worth it, plus you can use your room as a changing room for female guests and leave it on……ok thats wrong, but hey whatever flicks ya switch!

    This would do the trick:



    Sorry to hear that turks 😥


    some right bastards around ….. 😥


    Sorry to hear that Turks.

    On the upside, you can hope that the drugs these bastards end up buying with the proceeds of the theft ends up killing them, or at least reduces them to a gibbering heap in an alley somewhere.


    Wankers! Bad news mate! 😥


    @Seedubs wrote:

    What you need mate is a wireless IP camera that links direct to your router and needs no PC, simply set it to either upload every 30 seconds or so or set it to motion sensor mode.

    This means that even if they nick the router and camera, they will already have been photographed and uploaded to your host site prior to the theft, they arnt too expensive these days either, pick one up for around £70.

    I know you are a poor student, but its worth it, plus you can use your room as a changing room for female guests and leave it on……ok thats wrong, but hey whatever flicks ya switch!

    This would do the trick:


    Cheers dude… think that might do the trick

    The worst part is… It was my flatmates gfs birthday yesterday, and we thought we would make a nudey calendar for her… now there is a digi cam somewhere in the Cheltenham underground, full of naked pictures of us!!

    This is going to come back to me somehow, I can tell!


    hehe nudie pics FTW!!

    Sorry to hear though turks, I know the feling having 2 bikes stolen and still had to pay the HP =/

    I’m not sure how it could be your landlady’s fault though, unless ofc the window lock was archaic… but as far as I know keeping everything cutting-edge is not in their interest unless they are legally obliged to keep things within a certain standard.

    Was anyone home at the tiem of the burglary? Before my bikes eventually got stolen my dog barked her tits off and I chased the twats away on several occasions…

    Go to the lcoal newspaper too, a burglary may not be too uncommon but 2 burglaries in a reasonably short period of time should help you get a few lines of an appeal in there, mention the nudie pics too if you think it would help 🙂

    four-aces deluxe

    Sorry to hear your news dude.


    That’s really shit, I hate robbing scum.

    I had bikes stolen from my shed last year, and I think some cheeky wee fucker was trying to nick the new bikes the other night. I wouldn’t mind staging a burglary to claim off the insurance, but I’d never have the nerve to pull it off.


    I wouldn’t mind staging a burglary to claim off the insurance, but I’d never have the nerve to pull it off

    Its tricks like that,that put the price of insurance up in the first place making it too expensive for peeps to have, especially poor hard working pot noodle eating students. 🙁

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