Im Ok

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    Just a quick note to you guys to let you know that im ok and ive got access to the internet. Thanks to you all for the words of support before i left and will do my best to be safe out here. Luckily enough for me im working with a group of guys that would put Max and Wipers to shame with there shooting prowess. Also thankfully the heli pilots out here are a lot better at flying than Pharty 😉 . Hope you all are well and will drop you’s a line when i can. When i get back would like to meet up and get pissed with you lot.
    See you all soon,
    aka(Paul Kennedy)


    So yeah.. glad your ok.. where the fuck are you though??



    Glad you’re okay Mouse, and I hope those tank boys can drive better than Pharty as well. There was this time on Karkland you see when…

    We’re hopefully going to try for a piss up on the 26th of May (in case you’re back in time), but there’ll be other times if you can’t make that. We’ll being going to Nottingham though, so you’re probably safer where you are 😉

    And I think I’ll end this post with a sentence that rhymes:

    Take care out there.


    Nice one mouse. Glad to hear from you m8. Give our regards to OBL if you find him 😉 And remember to ask Pharty for a supply drop if you’re in need of anything. 🙂


    In reply to Insanes most poetic of replies 😆 . Im in Afgan mate.


    nice to hear from you mouse, glad you safe keep in touch as much as you can.

    XDC Erratic-Space

    Try not to get too carried away collecting dog-tags 🙂


    Glad to hear your OK fella! Remember, keep your head down


    are you sure they would put me to shame 😀 give em a keyboard and lets see


    good to hear from you m8

    Try not to stat whore too much and never camp the uncap and….erm…stuff like that 🙂

    ps do you get loads of badges and ribbons and stuff ’cause Max’ll be green with envy 😆


    😀 take care mousey


    be safe


    Be Safe Be Sure.

    xdc magicker

    the Taliban dont like it up em – give it some fettle m8 and keep your head down

    there are not many wars that are justified but those nutters need a serious talking to

    XDC wild egg tamer

    great to hear from you mate and its good to hear you have interweb access. My sentiments are the same as everyone elses, keep ya head down, don’t volunteer for anything and for fucks sake don’t try and be a hero!!! you ain’t got max and his paddles out there 😉

    As for the drink up on your return, bring it on matey….between you, phart and badger its gonna be nothing but War stories all night 😛

    *apologies to any old War dogs i’ve left out…. 😉

    hmmm,how about the military types in here start a thread up with their war stories………..pharty tells good un’ i’m sure 😀


    You missed me buddy… just spent three years in chelte ‘nam and wowe do I have a story to tell.

    Like that time the tip of my coloring pencil shattered and almost got me in the eye…

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