Anyone up for a game?

Home Forums XDC Gaming Battlefield 2 Anyone up for a game?

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    I’m probably going to try and organise a night for this over the next couple of weeks, but in the meantime if anyone is up for a game of BF2, give me a shout either via forums, TS, or IRC. I got fed up looking for my CD key so just gave EA another 15 quid, and bought it through steam, where I’ll never lose it again 🙂


    Download FH 2.2 dude, it’s really good, very intense and the D Day map is harsh.

    On a nice open map I found myself the sniper rifle and crawled through the knee height grass for 5 minutes to get into a nice spot about 400 metres from the enemy flag. As I’m crawling some dude almost walked right over me without noticing, so I shot him in the back and when I got to the sniper spot I got a good 10-15 kills. Very intense, one shot kill game 8)


    I’ll try FH2.. if i can get off the addictive FIFA 10 of course


    Network at home is playing up – gonna buy a wifi dongle, and then should be back online (if I have the time!)


    Downloaded FH2.2 yesterday and gave it a go, but it’s unplayable. Apart from taking 6 years to load a map, my computer still sounds like it’s loading for about 5 minutes into the map, during which time I can’t move, and eventually I’m kicked by pb due to timing out. I’m reformatting today, but I’m not really expecting the kind of dramatic improvement I would need in order to play this 🙁

    Vanilla BF2’s no bother though.


    Having a game tonight with Alun, so jump on TS if anyone wants to join in.


    @To0THBRU5H wrote:

    Download FH 2.2 dude, it’s really good, very intense and the D Day map is harsh.

    On a nice open map I found myself the sniper rifle and crawled through the knee height grass for 5 minutes to get into a nice spot about 400 metres from the enemy flag. As I’m crawling some dude almost walked right over me without noticing, so I shot him in the back and when I got to the sniper spot I got a good 10-15 kills. Very intense, one shot kill game 8)

    Ill get it too


    That was a lot of fun last night, cheers guys. Alun and me played on until quite late, but were joined by silversides at the start. We did quite well actually, but were basically undone by the pilots on Dragon Valley, and by a clan squading up on Sharqi. The clan who were squadding on Sharqi I’ve been playing over the last week (it’s their server) and last night we actually gave them a game of it for the first time, with our small two man squad taking their 4 or 5 man squad down on our own a couple of times. Big sign of improvement if you ask me, and quite satisfying too 🙂

    Oh and sorry for trying to kick you Alun 😉 Luckily the vote didn’t succeed, though it was close!

    XDC wild egg tamer

    what server you playing on…………my pc seems stable at the mo so many fire it up for a game or 3.


    what server you playing on

    I can’t remember the names of the servers exactly, but for the most part I’m picking multiplay ones, and have settled on one that has portugal in it’s name because they seem to play quite late. It’s not ideal though because they don’t seem to speak a lot of english, and last night this lead to one team playing with 10 men, and ours had 4 or 5, yet they did nothing about it. Plenty of others to chose from though, it’s just a case of looking. One slight problem seems to be with the ingame browser not accurately picking on ping to some servers, and displaying ping as zero. It’s sort of a lucky dip if you chose one of these as they can be Europe based with a decent ping, or US based, with a 150+ ping. If I have my name in IRC as Alizr|BF2, just jump on TS and I’ll soon tell you where I am, or slap me a few times and I should hear the ping eventually through the BF2 noise.


    sorry I didnt make it last night due to the fact that I couldnt keep my eyes open after 11 (my time) due to my erratic sleep hours. Anyway a least I have the game working now which is something!. Will give it a crack later tonight if anyones around


    I’ll be around this afternoon and tonight. Last night’s not a problem, I got a tiny bit drunk and didn’t make it home until late anyway.


    i will be up for a few games tonight


    Saw you on IRC Alun (after you left obviously) but we were actually playing bf2 all night tonight from about 6 until now. Don’t forget to check TS as well, or slap us about a wee bit in IRC which should draw our attention to you.

    Paddy and me are about to have a game of the L4D2 demo, but afterwards I’ll probably be up for more BF2 since I’ve properly caught the bug again.


    Anyone about tonight for a game? I’ll be about the usual places, IRC, TS, and steam.

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