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  • #20216
    XDC wild egg tamer

    Rather than keep creating new threads I thought I’d just create this one so that any new info on BF4 can be kept in the one place.

    With that in mind, here’s some info on the field upgrade system:


    That should keep Max moist for a while………..

    He’s been playing World Of Tanks for the last few weeks and it’s worth playing just to hear him raging on TS. Keeps me amused for hours.


    We’re increasing the suppression effect of Light Machine Guns, exclusive to the Support kit, while other weapons are less suppressive. Additionally, we’ve decreased suppression at close range to ensure that close quarters battles always focus sharply on player skill. Besides changing the visual effects of suppression, we’re also replacing the accuracy penalty in Battlefield 3 with a scope sway effect – similar to what snipers get in Battlefield 3 while suppressed. A skilled, focused player can keep his aim on target and get hits, even while under the effects of Suppression.

    Nice 🙂


    Nice x2

    XDC wild egg tamer
    XDC wild egg tamer

    The video looks all nice and spangley, but apart from the explosions and scenary looking a bit prettier…….it’s just BF3+, right?

    Of course I’m gonna get it…….and probably fork out for a new Gfx card for the occasion, but It’s still not making me moist.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    from gamescom today:

    Personalised emblems will be shown in the side of your vehicle in Battlefield 4.

    no idea if we can create emblems and they show up or if there is a set from which we can choose or create one to display but i’d imagine the latter.


    Im going to have a cock and big pair of balls on the side of my tank!

    Gary Goat

    Looking forward to it but I’m not sure about the sniper zeroing mechanic. I don’t think getting sniper headshots should be made any easier.



    Looks exactly the same as BF3, might give this a miss actually, played BF3 to death and don’t fancy paying £50 for a new map pack and patch for BF3, along with the rest of the money they will ask for you to play the full game. Anyone noticed games cost about £120 to get the full caboodle these days? Minecraft cost me £4.99 back in the day IIRC and I have played that for more hours than BF3 now, and I still enjoy it. Similarly with WoT for those into it.

    Oh well, it’s probably about time I hung up my gaming boots and moved on, new term, new start me thinks.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    I’ve just got a refund from origin for BF3 that I purchased earlier. If it’s quite similar which is something I’ve read elsewhere then I may as well just wait it out for BF4. Think I’ll buy rising storm for later when the other half is watching big bro.


    BF4 Digital Delux ordered! Bring the pain.


    @=XDC= wild egg tamer wrote:

    I’ve just got a refund from origin for BF3 that I purchased earlier. If it’s quite similar which is something I’ve read elsewhere then I may as well just wait it out for BF4. Think I’ll buy rising storm for later when the other half is watching big bro.

    I might reconsider WET:

    @bmstalker wrote:

    You can get BF3 in the current humble bundle for like £3 or so, along with some other games too.

    That’s pretty much a no brainer imho.


    @XDC_Wolf wrote:


    Looks exactly the same as BF3, might give this a miss actually, played BF3 to death and don’t fancy paying £50 for a new map pack and patch for BF3, along with the rest of the money they will ask for you to play the full game. Anyone noticed games cost about £120 to get the full caboodle these days? Minecraft cost me £4.99 back in the day IIRC and I have played that for more hours than BF3 now, and I still enjoy it. Similarly with WoT for those into it.

    Oh well, it’s probably about time I hung up my gaming boots and moved on, new term, new start me thinks.

    That video looks good 🙂
    My biggest hope for bf4 is that the fix the server browser in battlelog, without that we’ll still be split between proper and gaycore (interpret how you please).

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