Home Forums XDC Gaming Gaming – general REMAKE BF1942 POLL

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    1942 was by far the best and while the sequels are good and have brought many great things it is now time to go back to the start and evolve the best WW2 game ever.

    Do it EA you have nowhere else to go coz no one wants to see Dinosaurs v Cavemen and the whole firey catapault, boiling oil thing has been done.


    Battlefield 1943


    I thought this too on the way to work! with the new graphics and gameplay, they shld redo the 1942 series (not Secret Weapons, that was totally ghey), it would be the bollox!

    XDC wild egg tamer

    got to agree with the judge on this one…………a remake would be awesome, as good as some of the other BF games have been, no other game kept a community together as well as the original BF42…granted that it was the first real game where you had total freedom (other than that early version that is instantly forgotten…indeed i can’t recall the name) but i think the whole WW2 period evokes a sense of real warfare, no heat seeking missles or easy lock-ons, armour with vunerabilities, planes that can be shot down or heavily damaged by ground fire and a feeling that both sides are pretty evenly matched regards technology.

    Now if only EA would bloody listen………..i don’t want to see another game in the modern era a la Bad Company, i don’t want to go head to head with a camel jockey in my super armoured tank while the goat herders on a frigging cow or summat…
    The world in the throes of an ice age made an interesting change, they were able to even up the sides by giving them similar technology though i can’t understand why 2 enemies would have identical titans……(guess i should read the synopsis a bit more, no doubt they were all one big happy family or summat…..bah!! who cares anyhow :wink:) but it still feels its lacking a certain raw quality found in WW2.

    I think also that WW2 provides an amazing diversity when it comes to arenas of warfare! You want snow ? have the Norwegian campaign, sand? you’ve got the Desert campaign, Sea? Battle of the Atlantic do you ok? Jungle? you’ve got Burma for that……….the list goes on, indeed you also have various scenarios to build on within the game such as resistence fighters in France the days before D-day, the Partisans in Northern Italy fighting the Germans on one side and the various factions of partisans on another (fascist, communist etc), not to mention the commando raids, and street to street fighting in urban enviroments…..all that without even mentioning the core fighting between 2 sides on various fronts.

    This amount of quality material cannot be found in any modern conflict, all you get is urban warfare and desert, with an amazing technological tree on one side and pretty much 30 year old technology on the other

    Its WW2 FTW for me…….. 😀


    You know what, I wouldnt be surprised if they did this.. where else can they take the series?? And after the last gheyness.. I think they should to pull in the crouds!

    I would welcome this with open arms.. if it takes us back in time it gets my vote!

    however how could they make it what it was then *except cater for the Madmax’s of the world and add a lil more colour to the USA uniform, Graphical upgrades seem to please him enough to buy a game*


    p.s. they should add sticky bombs instead of C4 which fell off stuff though 😉


    I miss those Tiger Tanks ooohhhhhh 😉


    i miss the bomber ….. that gave me a raging hard on.


    engy 4 teh win 😆


    i miss the bomber ….. that gave me a raging hard on.

    Jebus I didnt know you were old enough to remember the game let alone get a hard on lol 😉

    Wise words WET

    So if they did a remake.. you reckon it would work this day and age.. WW2 game is where its at!


    Mmmmm K98 Sniper rifle, Medic Kit


    Jesus Christ Judge! What were you thinking fella? Yeah, I agree that the series has nowhere else to go. Nowhere until now that is. Let’s hope the brights sparks at Dice never get near reading this post or it’s bloody “Battlefield: Dinosaurs v Cavemen” here we come.

    xdc magicker

    You know the guns won’t work


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    i miss the bomber ….. that gave me a raging hard on.

    Jebus I didnt know you were old enough to remember the game let alone get a hard on lol 😉

    Wise words WET

    So if they did a remake.. you reckon it would work this day and age.. WW2 game is where its at!

    Played this when i first joined XDC, and had the expansions too, oh how i loved 1942 back in the day, i remeber reinstalling it recently, it just didnt have the same appeal.

    Oh and iv been able to achieve a raging hard on for ages, just been hiding it from you. Ghey boi.


    Yea sure they should remake 42, but as long as the aerial power was balanced. It’ll never live up to the original though, as the concept is no longer new. Introducing something like destructable terrain would be interesting though.


    I think that poll is pretty conclusive – get on it EA!

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