Doc, Need ya help again – My two year old is poorly

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  • #44502

    🙁 You’ve had it tough these past few weeks m8. I hope your lad is better soon and things start looking up for you and the family. Take care.

    xdc the doc

    Hey m8 – not been near the net today 🙂

    I wouldnt worry too much at this stage – but sounds like he is getting the right investigations. It is unusual to have frank blood in the urine from a simple urine infection at his age – so definately needs looking at.


    All the best Hippy, keep us posted 🙁


    Yup Hippy keep us posted and lets hope it turns out as nothing 😉


    (This post is from me, Tess, Vic didn’t log off and I thought I was logged on)

    Don’t stress too much about them asking if your son has had a blow to the stomach. My daughter’s left arm used to pop out of the elbow socket all the time, and I had to take her to the hospital to get it popped back in. They always used to ask me if she had been grabbed by the arm, adn I used to feel really paranoid, convinced that they thought I was harming her.
    They’re only looking out for your little lad, and when he’s there they’ll see how much you love and care for him, so don’t give yourself an extra thing to worry about.
    Take care xx


    It goes without saying that our thoughts and best wishes are with you.

    Try not to worry too much they will get to the bottom of whats going on.

    If they thought is was something that required urgent treatment the would have admitted him.

    Take care mate 😉


    As everyone else has said, hope everything sorts itself out.


    Hope he gets better soon m8.

    Its the worst feeling in the world when you kid is not well and there is fark all you can do to help.

    My thoughts are with you all.

    XDC MadHippy

    thanks for all your kind words. Even made the missus smile (which is very rare at the moment)

    as soon as I hear anything about my boy I’ll post

    thanks again

    😉 😉

    XDC MadHippy

    Ben is in for his ultrasound today and hopefully the results of the tests will be back also. Will keep ya posted


    GL 😉

    crazy hippo

    i wish your young’un, your missus and you all the best hippy. hope he gets better soon.

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