Manhunt 2

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    true true

    xdc magicker


    i think to bottom this out it would be interesting to ask:

    “what depictions, action etc. would you ban from a computer game or it is always ‘anything goes'”

    answers on a post card..


    You ban nothing.

    The game won’t force someone to do something they wasn’t already interested in doing in the first place. A sick fuck was always a sick fuck, the game won’t suddenly make them twisted, though it could maybe nurture whatever fuckup they already had, but at the same token anything could have nurtured it.

    If anything, getting the chance to release your tensions virtually means you would be much more relaxed and not have the need to do it in reality…

    If they really wanted people not ot play this game they wouldn’t ban it. It means the game gets shitloads of free publicity money can’t buy and it becomes a taboo – meaning people will actually WANT to play it to see what all the fuss is about.

    The last Manhunt sucked, if it was put on the shelves and not much better it would have rapidly been forgotten about….


    I agree with SOIA.There’s far too much influence in our society that’s telling me… nay… forcing me to do things. Video games are just the tip of the iceberg.

    How many of you watched ‘Why don’t you?’ as kids? Well I didn’t because it told me not to in the opening credits.

    And that’s just the beginning of a catalog of disasters caused my my total inability to ignore suggestions made to me via the media. Only last week I caught a snippet of the Scissor Sisters ‘Take you mama out all night’ and took my mum out for an entire night in London, against her will. Dad called the police and I tried to have sex with a police marksman because I’d also heard some NWA. Then I heard some Iron Maiden, but luckily don’t have a daughter or know of any abattoirs.

    The Sky+ boxes are a godsend to me as I don’t have to sit through all those suggestive adverts and waste my money on things that they tell me to buy, or cause me to injure myself, like those RedBull adverts.

    So I think that removing every possible piece of information from the reaches of easily lead, gullible saps like me is a very good idea.

    Unless you tell me it’s not.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    don’t eat eggs………..they’re baaaaaad!!!!!!!


    @=XDC=NeonSamurai wrote:

    How many of you watched ‘Why don’t you?’ as kids? Well I didn’t because it told me not to in the opening credits.

    That’s a very good point Neon but if only just once you’d ignored those opening credits you would no longer feel the need to do everything the telly tells you. That’s because you were being lied to and you would have realised. See what happened after the opening credits was that some kids with big ears from some UK backwater would tell you in some incomprehensible accent what you could do in your free time. Since this activity invariably involved folding up a bit of coloured paper and cutting it with a pair of scissors doing it was actually marginally even more boring than staying inside and watching a bunch of kids with big ears and incomprehensible accents fold up a bit of coloured paper and cut it with a pair of scissors on “Why Don’t You”.

    If I were you I’d probably want to get revenge for those years of deceit. Dunno how though. It might be an idea for you to get hold of a copy of “Manhunt 2” and give it a bash for half an hour then get yourself a taxi down to the BBC and see what transpires.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    get in my crazy taxi to the BBC…………..oh the fun!!!!!!!!! 😈


    bizarrely enough i dont think this ban on this particular game is a bad thing… gotta draw the line somewhere…..and rockstar are pushing the boundaries with this title.

    its senseless bollox for the sake of senseless bollox……they know it…..and a ban is the best thing that could have happened for them.

    you will still get it on ebay if your curious enough……lets hope they cut em some slack with the new GTA.


    not banned in NZ (yet) who wants a copy at a 100 quid a pop???? anyone????? really????

    Seriously though, there’s a very fine line when it comes to censorship and we’ve had this discussion before, at least in this case it’s not someone’s opinion that has been censored like in a film with an actual message for instance. Rockstar know full well if they push the boundary hard then the bad publicity will pull them through, the censors know that the same was for Manhunt 1, a game that pretty much passed by until someone piped up then they had to start burning copies again. This is more about the censors saying, every time we give you bad publicity your share price increases so this time we’d rather not be party to the success of this sh1t.

    Like SOIA the voice of the nation (in fact I’m gonna vote for that fukka) says ‘look outside’. This isn’t just about dumbass parents letting their kids play it. Art, yea right.

    Banned Manhunt 2 defended as ‘art’
    Reuters | Thursday, 21 June 2007

    ILLEGAL GAMING: British censors have banned the ‘sadistic’ video game Manhunt 2, from the creators of Grand Theft Auto.

    A video game banned in the UK and Ireland and facing restricted sales in the United States due to its violent content was a fine piece of art, the game’s publisher said.

    Manhunt 2, in which a player become an insane asylum escapee killing enemies in gruesome ways, was made by Rockstar Games, a label of Take-Two Interactive Software which was behind the controversial Grand Theft Auto series.

    British and Irish censors this week banned the game, citing an unacceptable level of “gratuitous violence”. It is the first time in 10 years that British censors have refused a video game a rating and the first time ever Ireland has banned a game.

    Despite the controversy, Take-Two Chairman Strauss Zelnick said he stood behind the game “fully”, and parents and consumers should be able to make their own choices once they are informed about a product.

    “The Rockstar team has come up with a game that fits squarely within the horror genre and was intended to do so,” Zelnick said in a statement.

    “It brings a unique, formerly unheard of cinematic quality to interactive entertainment, and is also a fine piece of art,” he said.

    A spokesman for Rockstar Games on Wednesday said a US self-regulatory group set up to classify video games had imposed its most stringent rating, “Adults Only”, on the game, meaning many major retailers will not stock it.

    This group, the Entertainment Software Rating Board, said any rating could be appealed, or a game modified to obtain a less restrictive label. Rockstar declined to say whether it would overhaul the game or appeal the rating.

    The jury is still out on whether violent video games lead to violent behaviour, but many big retailers, such as Wal-Mart Stores, which accounts for 25 per cent of US video game sales, refuse to carry “Adults Only” titles.

    The game was slated for a July 10 release for Sony’s PlayStation 2 console and PSP handheld device, and for Nintendo’s Wii console. But the game’s fate is unclear because Sony and Nintendo do not allow “Adults Only” content on their systems.

    The developments, however, are not expected to have a major impact on the bottom line of Take-Two, a troubled publisher that installed Zelnick and other new executives in March after a shareholder-led coup.

    The company reported revenue last year of more than $US1 billion, and Manhunt 2 had been expected to post sales of about $US40 million, according to Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter.

    That could be halved if the “Adults Only” rating sticks, or be trimmed to $US35 million if Rockstar reworks the game to get a less-restrictive “Mature” rating.

    “This is one of the tasks ahead of new management, to rein in that creative talent and tell those guys we are in the business of making money and you should make games that will sell, not games that are artistically beautiful but not available at Wal-Mart,” Pachter told Reuters.


    P0rn is “Art” .. Dont tell me there banning p0rn! *cries*


    The 99.999999999999999999999999% have never even seen a video game but they have no compunction over torturing and killing people. Stick that in your pipe Board of Cencors or should i say pole smokers.


    As my missus was involved in the Manhunt release, I cannot say too much. However, the whole malarky was about political point scoring. Tony Blair made acomment about the game (which he caanot have seen) and the rest was history

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