memory lane……

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  • #38437
    XDC MadHippy

    @TurksMeister wrote:

    @=XDC=OldPhart wrote:

    @SilverSides wrote:

    Blimey that brings back the memories, including the mass bannings by pagan! Turks werent you the first?

    Anywhos, damn its been along time

    EDIT*was looking at the forums and thought it was surprisinly active, until i read through the countless bot adds*

    Turks was first, then me for defending him (ungrateful turd, never did pay me), the Winnie. Something like that

    I dont think it was me actually… I do believe I was away for the weekend, and got back to see it all sparked off… It wasnt until I had (rather maturely) posted my feelings on Pagan and his love for the pole… that i was thrown out.

    I will never foget Mr Chronics love of jam!

    I was dispatched shortly after you Turks. Off to MPUK and the Hussars forums.

    Where are they now? Blackcat, Lectrix, etc etc


    Lectrix met a guy, they been with each other since!


    Thats the only thing I could think about that would make him leave us like this *sobs*


    Pagan… lol I forgot about all that


    @Mr.Fenix wrote:

    Pagan… lol I forgot about all that

    “Pagan and Bunn’s Goat…The Novel”

    Was my sig for a loooong time after.

    My first kick from the XDC server was for Effing and Blinding the Taity’s, Pagan & Bonobo


    Why would we have kicked you from our server for f’in and jeffin about them cat lovers?


    Because I was not a member and I was typing things like “YOU MOTHERFUCKING LITTLE ABORTED WHORE-SPIVVED SON OF A USELESS MAGGOTTY CUNT” on the Say All comms

    XDC wild egg tamer

    guess that would of been reason enough……….with hindsight we should of bought you a drink or 2 😀


    it’s not a washing machine bud, it’s acctually an interstella jump gate, i put my puss in there, hit ‘warm wash’ and he gets posted to the alpha quadrant, where he is employed as a highly evolved battle cat, take another look, you can see it in his face, the killer instinct, the lust for battle, woooo scary stuff my friend…



    @=XDC=OldPhart wrote:

    Because I was not a member and I was typing things like “YOU MOTHERFUCKING LITTLE ABORTED WHORE-SPIVVED SON OF A USELESS MAGGOTTY CUNT” on the Say All comms

    Bwah ha ha ha

    Coffee farking everywhere!!!!

    *its sucks when it comes out of your nose 😥


    😀 🙄 8) 😆


    @airmessy wrote:

    @=XDC=OldPhart wrote:

    Because I was not a member and I was typing things like “YOU MOTHERFUCKING LITTLE ABORTED WHORE-SPIVVED SON OF A USELESS MAGGOTTY CUNT” on the Say All comms

    Bwah ha ha ha

    Coffee farking everywhere!!!!

    *its sucks when it comes out of your nose 😥

    Surely it blows?


    @TurksMeister wrote:

    @=XDC=OldPhart wrote:

    @SilverSides wrote:

    Blimey that brings back the memories, including the mass bannings by pagan! Turks werent you the first?

    Anywhos, damn its been along time

    EDIT*was looking at the forums and thought it was surprisinly active, until i read through the countless bot adds*

    Turks was first, then me for defending him (ungrateful turd, never did pay me), the Winnie. Something like that

    I dont think it was me actually… I do believe I was away for the weekend, and got back to see it all sparked off… It wasnt until I had (rather maturely) posted my feelings on Pagan and his love for the pole… that i was thrown out.

    I will never foget Mr Chronics love of jam!

    Thinking about it i think Bunn may have been the first, but then he always was a agumentative git.


    @SilverSides wrote:

    @TurksMeister wrote:

    @=XDC=OldPhart wrote:

    @SilverSides wrote:

    Blimey that brings back the memories, including the mass bannings by pagan! Turks werent you the first?

    Anywhos, damn its been along time

    EDIT*was looking at the forums and thought it was surprisinly active, until i read through the countless bot adds*

    Turks was first, then me for defending him (ungrateful turd, never did pay me), the Winnie. Something like that

    I dont think it was me actually… I do believe I was away for the weekend, and got back to see it all sparked off… It wasnt until I had (rather maturely) posted my feelings on Pagan and his love for the pole… that i was thrown out.

    I will never foget Mr Chronics love of jam!

    Thinking about it i think Bunn may have been the first, but then he always was a agumentative git.


    Now there i a blast from the past.

    Heloo old chap, grab yer pipe, slippers on, pull up the armchair and I will tell you (a fucking gen) about the time that hussy turned around, looked me in the eye, and said

    “Bugger me”

    which I did, duty and all that sort of thing


    “Holy fucking Silversides has been here for ages… Batman”

    Not only old but retarded too 🙂


    Nah i just filter out the natural XDC dross.

    For Example…
    tOOthbrush reminds me of Turks 4 years ago.

    Bless (Bothered)

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