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    @Alzir wrote:

    Oh and I managed to find the emails we shared back when working on the site, but a header image without the search area wasn’t included. How hard would it be to scrub out?

    I’m pretty sure I could knock that up. Will have a look this evening.


    Even if the word “search” can be scrubbed, and replaced with the website address “”


    done but thanks mister space 😉

    but out of curiosity would it be possible to incorporate the original flash thing i did as a banner?
    perhaps to use on the frontpage?
    (by the way i have no idea why the borders arent there unless you open it directly with a flash player… strange 🙁 )


    would seem a bit stupid putting the website address if by seeing the image you were actually on that website! 😛


    @=XDC=sPUNKer wrote:

    would seem a bit stupid putting the website address if by seeing the image you were actually on that website! 😛

    Oh yea, it’s pointless unless struggling to get rid of the wee white box around the search.. You were not struggling though, so good job 🙂


    Oh and as for flash, Andy can answer that regarding the forums, but the home page might be tircky, as I’d have to figure out how to incorporate it into wordpress. It’s surely possible, but I had enough trouble working out how to mould a template into what we’ve got at the moment. If Andy could kindly reset my login details to the ftp server, and pm them to me, I could have another look?

    xdc magicker

    easy peasy on both accounts.. will sort asap

    xdc magicker

    ok hows that?


    oh yea well done that’s pretty good Andy, it’s not perfectly integrated but it’s good and doesn’t affect performance (at least for me). I’ve got some minor complaints about some of the new colouring in the theme, but I’ll look at it again in the morning see if a night’s sleep makes any difference to my opinion 🙂

    What do others think about this?

    Oh and that bit in flash of Alun still cracks me up 😆


    Jonny, I don’t know flash, but how hard would it be to take the animations from the old flash, and put them on top of the newer banner which we had earlier, and also would it be difficult to increase the size of it so it fits the banner parameters above? I’m assuming the flash was too small to fit on the banner, which is why there’s a slightly rough edge to it?

    Oh and if all that’s not too much of a pain in the arse, could the newer lettering of “xdc” be used at all in it?

    xdc magicker

    the flash and the header can be any size you like.. i am working on

    width=”1020″ height=”172″

    but i can be anything we like

    xdc magicker

    have dropped header heright to 140 … looks about there


    hmm, from work i’m seeing the newer banner showing underneath the flash. Anyone else?

    xdc magicker

    yeh.. will sort that.


    looks good. Been awhile since ive used flash so ive forgotten everything again haha.
    will look into it when i can.
    dont forget to click on the bug’s for extra anims. (the one on the left has 2 different ones 😛 )

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