oh ffs

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    You cheat on your wife, I’ll personally slap you around.. I despise cheats.. no matter how much you paid her to be your loving wife and no matter how much you think you love a paid prostitute *and come on lets face it, you have to have paid her* then I say no.. I thought you were very intelligent, you step down to fucksville if your maggot overpowers your brain.. think on

    *shakes fist*

    p.s. lol @ neon


    The mob are answering and as a general rule I think you can see that it would be wrong. So heres a picture of some angry peasants:

    and now heres another picture that came up when I looked for angry peasants:


    All this talk & moralising about cheating, regrets etc is fine as far as it goes. But strip all that away and it boils down to a simple question:

    Do you want your marriage to be over?

    Only you can answer that in your heart of hearts. If you do then fair enough – you’re only on this Earth once and it’s your life to lead. If you don’t, then you have your answer.

    Oh, there is one more question you have to ask yourself: Can Mrs Phart login to your XDC account! 😛

    XDC Dutchman

    I can’t add much to what’s already been said, some really good comments, but do think hard bout it, as even if you do it and you keep quiet, I’m pretty sure everytime you missus calls you and says she’s got something important to discuss, you’re gonna think she somehow found out
    But, in this midlife crisis you’re having, why don’t you just go the normal route and buy a sportscar ?
    1 – It’ll last longer than the fling
    2 – you can show this off to everyone else, unlike the fling
    3 – your missus may fancy you a bit more !

    Here’s my personal pick


    Don’t do it!

    If your marriage is over, finish it, give the dust a while to settle, and then go for whoever.

    It doesn’t sound like your marriage is over, not if you’re thinking about kids etc. If you give into your weakness and embark on an affair you’ll alter your relationship with your wife forever. Affairs are wrong on so many levels, and unfair on everyone involved. Your wife deserves more respect, and so does the girl that you’ve fallen in lust with.

    Ultimately you’ll do whatever keeps you happiest, but try to be led by your big head, and not your little one.


    there go get some “big head” :0 then you can use the Clinton get out of jail card (and sleep in the spare room for the rest of your life)

    Seriously, I’m just watching a mate of mine go through a messy break up after 18 years (ok there’s kids involved so not similar) They had just moved here 3 years ago, built a new house, his new business was going guns, he does removals and I reckon he was on the job on the job if you get me, mrs found out (because they always do) big bust up, now he’s selling the business and living in a cr4p apartment, back on the smokes and looks a total fukin mess and can’t believe what a plum he’s been. Now she’s planning to head back to the UK with the kids so he might not be seeing them for a while either….

    Another m8 of mine was in exactly the same situation as you, tidy little sort at his work wants to know, so he’s walked out on his wife and is pretending that he’s all Mr Joe single again and it’s ace, except all his mates have kids and are not really into going to strip bars etc and he’s just turned into this annoying pisshead that calls you up in the night asking if he can crash on your sofa…found out a couple of days ago he’s seeing a psychiatrist on the quiet.

    ….don’t go there m8.


    Thanks chaps, your views are very much mine to be honest, but when the nads speak, they speak loud!

    After consumption of a great deal of booze I have decided to let things be and get on with life.

    But the advice is muh appreciated, even though I am sure I will spend the rest of my life wishing I had at least rodgered the wench.


    @=XDC=OldPhart wrote:

    But the advice is muh appreciated, even though I am sure I will spend the rest of my life wishing I had at least rodgered the wench.

    Well probably better that way then spending the rest of your life wishing you hadn’t.

    Life throws these temptations our way every once in a while, but you’ve gotta just get on with it and do the right thing. However, on a funny note, I’ll always remember how Russel Crowe charmed Meg Ryan away from Dennis Quaid and then proceeded to dump her after she’d got divorced! And then her lips inflated themselves and she went mad on Parkinson.

    That could have been you Pharty.

    Seriously though Sean, this luuurve you’re feeling will probably subside since it’s really just a heightened level of interest in another person. One way around it would be to say to this girl “Hey! How are things?” and after half an hour you’ll be pretending have something more important to do than listen to her.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    @=XDC=NeonSamurai wrote:

    @=XDC=OldPhart wrote:

    But the advice is muh appreciated, even though I am sure I will spend the rest of my life wishing I had at least rodgered the wench.

    One way around it would be to say to this girl “Hey! How are things?” and after half an hour you’ll be pretending have something more important to do than listen to her.

    The other way to ease the throbbing is to go and have a good ole tommy tank!! a few slaps of the salami and that horniness will just dissapear…………it must work as i read it in viz or summat. 😉


    Guys, ALL of your comments have been appreciated, they are valid and sound.

    You must understand that it took quite a bit of angst before I even mention mentioned the situation.

    And you must also be aware that this has nothing to do with lust. I have had many fit birds (not just in my imagination) come onto me, as I am sure we all have. But they were all a nice arse with tis and legs. This is very different. We match up in so many ways its crazy, and I do not lust after her, rather I enjoy and cherish the time I spend with her.

    I am also aware that you live once and should live it to the maximum.

    However, I am letting things be for now, because it would be morally reprehensible


    Best to let her go back to collecting cans

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