UK Road Tax – Sign it!

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  • #43625

    @=XDC= wild egg tamer wrote:

    its an incredible world you live in soia…………..i must visit it sometime 😆

    You’re welcome to visit Bradford anytime you like WET, just go north up the M1 then take the M62, Bradford is clearly signposted

    For your own sake, just remember to wipe your feet when you leave.

    Thanks for your support Neon and Spunker but I’m afraid that I’m about as interested in politics as Heather McCartney is in tap dancing. Put me in charge and I’d just spend all the taxpayers money on whores and alcohol (I’m just being honest, which precludes me from being a politician before I’ve started). My involvement in politics involved me once getting drunk and telling a load of students that instead of their piss poor attempts at setting the world to rights we should just build thunderdomes in every major city and let the scum kill each other while twanging around on elastic bands. They all got a bit arsey though and my mate ended up smashing a glass and asking them if they’d ever studied fighting – at which point they all disappeared sharpish and we got barred. Story of my life. It wasn’t all bad though because the “intellectuals” had been roundly thrashed by us in a pub quiz earlier in the night* and we got a free crate of beer out of it.

    *We cheated, but that’s not the point.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    just spend all the taxpayers money on whores and alcohol

    and you think politicians do what exactly ?

    thanks for the invite SOIA but why would i want to swap one toilet for another……………?

    there again, i hate using these kazi’s so i may be tempted up north if you’ve all managed to stop using the neighbours garden and leaves ! 😉


    No need to choose between me and SOIA. SOIA would be my “Minister of the Interior”, or “Minister without Portfolio”. He would sort things out on the home-from while I look after our expansion plans…… 😈

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