Mr Grow-a-Knob’s address

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  • #51946

    send him the linkeh to the front page with a 2 for 1 anal tickler offer


    I’m with Sprog on this. If you buy a Briana Banks vibrating arse and a bathtime nob extender then you must know you’re going to get the piss ripped out of you mercilessly by the people you tell, inadvertantly or not.

    The bloke should be thankful I don’t know him in real life, that’s all. If he was one of my mates everyone he knows, has known and will ever know would have been told about this and he’d have got beasted about it so much he’d have committed suicide by now.

    Besides, he’s not going to find out is he? Put it this way, if I had a bathtime nob extender and a Briana Banks vibrating arse I’d be pretty hard pressed to find the time to trawl the internet.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    send a copy of the email to his neighbours………..lets finish this and drive the poor fucker to suicide!! 8)



    Blimey WET, I thought I take things too far sometimes.

    On second thoughts, fuck it, he’s only a nutritionist 😉 😈


    what you are proposing lensman is waaaaay to serious for XDC

    with waaaaaay too many legal technicalitys

    i checked the small print……he’s a gimp……it will stand up in court…..unlike his unusually small wiggly piggly.




    Well next time I’m not going to bother after reading how much hassle this has caused. Sorry if me posting this stuff has caused anybody hassle I really didn’t think
    it would have caused so much grief, but on a lighter note at least he can drill down the middle of the dildo and have a handy 12inch breathing apparatus now that his house is probably under 8inches of water.

    again sorry about the post but at the time I thought it was well funny, I have deleted the chaps address from the orginal post that I made I hope this goes someway to resolve some of the issues that a couple of people might have


    Meh. Don’t worry about it Signal. Forums have to have ‘heated debates’ every few months. It’s the law of the internet. You should have seen the caffuffle I caused when I posted Insane’s bank account and credit card details on the forum last Tuesday.

    No, actually it was on a different forum. But the principle’s the same.


    Signal – stop doing searches for your name in the private forums 😉


    Yeh – ya bastard!

    There should be a clan meet every 6 months, where people who are pissed with each other can just have a fight, instead of all the gay internet bashing that goes on!

    Actually, an annual meet, same day each year… sounds like a great idea… would never happen, but would be fun!

    Someone needs to win the lottery, then buy a village hall, and rent us all some PCs, put in a mini bar, pole dancing .. pole! (For insane), sexy waitresses… fireworks… bare knuckle boxing ring

    Oooo I really like this idea


    Is an annual meet to much to ask? Sort it.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    @=XDC=MADMAX wrote:

    Is an annual meet to much to ask? Sort it.

    you’ve been invited numerous times and always blown us out……… off with you and go play with your Wii!! 😉


    Why dont we all stay at Max’s?!


    We cant.. or at least I cant.. his wife would be all over me like a rash… I can see why now hactually 🙄


    Wish someone would organise a meet. Was gutted while i was away that i was going to miss the last one.

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