My extended family and other animals – A rant

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    bastard insane…you beat me to it 😀



    Wolf… Fluoxetine I can deal with but I dunno how you can mix it with CBT.. Each to there own I guess!

    On a serious note what is CBT wolf? .. I used to be on Eflexor XL (The new Paroxetine) *75mg* *I dated a girl who acctually came up with that drug* anyhoos.. they help, but the constant numbness you get when your on them is shite, well to me it is as I’m normally a lively nutter.. no high’s no lows.. just feel like your just about living. Lost feelings for anyone, even when Tia was diagnosed with Cancer I wanted to be upset but couldnt.. I came off em a bit a go.. I feel so much better.. If i ever feel i need them again, I’m gonna try my hardest not to give in.. its so easy to just go back on them.


    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, its a type of therapy that looks at why your cognitive functions act the way they do in certain situations and retrains them. For example, I used to feel really self concious when I walked into a bar by myself, always thinking that people were looking at me and sniggereing, which was ridiculous because when I am sat in a bar I rarely notice people walk in, but the facct was that I avoided going to bars unless I met people before hand because of this ludicrous idea. CBT helped me to rationalise a load of feelings and emotions and realise what a “normal person would do in those situations. It’s a lot more complicated than that, ask Doc!


    Ahh.. the aftershow therapy director on Jeremy Kyle swears by that.. had you not abbreviated I’d have known 🙂

    Interesting stuff.. I used to get like that a bit.. think I’ll look into it if I ever feel the need too.. I never want to go back on AD’s thats for sure

    XDC wild egg tamer

    NLP or neuro linguistic programming, is a method used by people to “reprogramme” themselves to think differently…..

    as an example, one may be very negative both in thought and behaviour (wolfs example of not wanting to go into a bar alone), in effect an individual would “programme” himself to think positively about doing such things to the point where he is able to do them alone.

    I think instinctlvely it is far easier to think of negatives then positives, i’m the worst for being negative and thinking that achieving something is out of my realm so by using NLP i ought to be able to alter my thought processes so that i automatically think to myself i can do anything i want to…..
    Doc shall be along in a minute or 2 to explain all this stuff properly……… 😉


    sPUNKer has recommended self hypnosis to the wife and I that looks pretty interesting. We’re going to give the self hypnosis a try over the weekend and see how we get on at boosting our self-confidence, although I think Nathalie needs it more than I. To be honest I don’t really need more self confindence as that might be dangerous.

    Basically you listen to a music/speech track, relax and follow the instructions. Sounds like a winner to me since it’s something I can do lying down.


    make sure you wake up from it


    yeah.. The Brown brothers are astill under! .. Dreamers! 🙂

    xdc the doc

    This stuff is all bread and butter for me – honestly get that girl down to a sympathetic GP – we can help you know!

    Self hypnosis is useful – but only really as relaxation, that can be helpful – but it sounds like she needs more. I have dabbled in hypnosis before and have yet to see any fantastic evidence for its efficacy in a clinical setting.

    NLP as WET said is very interesting – but its also quite complex, and a lot of NLP teaching rapidly vanishes up its own arse. I think it is more helpful for people who want to examine their thought processes and communication skills in particular rather than a useful therapy for the ill (Derrin Brown strangely enough has written the best review of the pitfalls of NLP I have ever read in his book ‘Tricks of the mind’ if anyone is interested.)

    CBT is the way forward – its relatively straight forward, can be self taught and as i said earlier has medical papers testifying to its efficacy compared to antidepressants for example. In an ideal world you would go for a formal course of treatment with a psychologist trained in CBT – but the waiting lists on the NHS are usually well over a year… and it would cost a fortune privately.

    Good luck whatever you guys do… she is lucky to have such a supporting partner I reckon.


    Damn straight she is! 😉

    We get to Waterloo to catch the sodding Eurostar to Paris to go to this sodding funeral with her bloody family, and Nathalie has forgotten her passport!!!!!! 🙁

    The next train is at 10:40 and it’s 08:05 and the guy tells her she can’t travel to France with no passport (duh?) so the wife goes into melt-down. Your truely sprints through the station jumps on the tube and runs up to the mainline station at Euston, jumping on a train as the doors are closing. Heads back to Berkhamsted (35 minute journey), sprints home, tears the house appart to find her passport, charges back to the station and gets on the next train back to London. Tube it from Euston to Waterloo get back for 09.55. Go through customs and are on the train with 15 minutes to spare! We make it to France and go to the funeral. Thank god I’m in shape or I’d be in the morgue myself right now!

    CBT sounds interesting. Maybe I should get her to give her GP a shout and see what he/she can do. The other thing is that I could get hold of some cocaine just before she ever has to interract with her family and she can have a massive snort. Hey presto! An overly confident woman!

    Main problem though is that her family have caused her depression and breakdown and seem to have some kind of reverse Midas touch with her. They know how to make her feel worthless at the drop of a hat, although credit to the girl she held her own yesterday and I made sure that she was never more than an arms length away from me. She had a rather tearful day, but none of them tried anything. The bastards.

    Anyway, I really appreciate all this feedback folks. Help give me a better perspective on the situation and what I can do about it.

    xdc the doc

    you need a passport to get into france? I thought any photo I.D (i.e driving licence) was enough nowadays? WTF happened to a Europe without borders?


    I think you can get into France withour a passport. It’s getting back in that’s the bitch.


    @xdc the doc wrote:

    you need a passport to get into france? I thought any photo I.D (i.e driving licence) was enough nowadays? WTF happened to a Europe without borders?

    That my dear friend has been the wish of your own government. When the rest of Europe under the Schengen agreement agreed to do away with passports your governmnet did not want to be part of this. They were afraid of all the immigrants that would be drawn to your wonderful island, like Paki’s, Poles, Latvians and what have you.

    After all these years one must conclude yo have been really succesfull keeping them out, muaaaahaaaaaaaa


    @Lensman wrote:

    I think you can get into France withour a passport. It’s getting back in that’s the bitch.

    thats a joke right???

    oh no wait I geddit, you mean for people who actually own a passport….ok. sorry carry on.


    any form of valid ID with a pic on it and home details should work but most people in the UK who own one of those ID’s have it known as a passport. OK OK drivers license also but in London?!! unlesss yer a cabbie in London you’re surely better off without a car?
    Oh and Pod it hasnt worked that badly we’ve still managed to keep the Dutch away since that terrible William of Orange debacle back in 169(3?)

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