1.4 Beta Patch is out

Home Forums XDC Gaming Battlefield 2 1.4 Beta Patch is out

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  • #14413

    We are beginning the first phase of our 1.4 patch beta testing! This initial phase of testing will only include a small number of servers whose focus is to ensure stability in a live environment. At the completion of this phase we will be rapidly expanding the number of servers hosted to allow everyone an opportunity to review this latest patch. I would like to stress that everyone who downloads the beta files should take the time to read the included text file so that you can properly safeguard your current BF2 install.

    Also please note that EA Customer Service can not provide any support for issues related to the Beta Patch. I encourage everyone to log into the EA Battlefield forums and participate on the 1.4 Patch Beta discussions that will cover both 1.4 issues, tuning changes, and new features.

    We have up threads for issues and gameplay feedback, please make sure you post in the right one once they are unlocked.

    A few of the servers hosted will be set to the new ‘No Vehicles’ server setting that will allow players to focus on infantry vs infantry combat on all BF2 and Special Forces Maps. Other servers will include the new ‘Road to Jalalabad’ map which will allow US and MEC forces to engage in a new urban warfare environment! Everyone here at EA and DICE look forward to working with the community to ensure this next patch is a solid step forward for the Battlefield Franchise.

    -The Battlefield Team

    Incremental : http://largedownloads.ea.com/pub/patches/BF2/BETA/BF2_BETA_Incremental.zip

    Full: http://largedownloads.ea.com/pub/patches/BF2/BETA/BF2_BETA_Full.zip


    Source: http://forum.eagames.co.uk/viewtopic.php?p=276180&sid=d43fd39149e6e5469f04a5098ca93de8#276180



    downloading beta as i type.


    /itchi rubs hands waiting for Max to break PC/

    XDC MadHippy

    So do we install this or what mister lammiepillowbiterpie?


    I am going to get this. only becuase its a patch that i dont have to pay for 😛


    @airmessy wrote:

    I am going to get this. only becuase its a patch that i dont have to pay for 😛

    You dont pay for patches only expansion/booster packs


    Struggled to find a source detailing what is included, any ideas?


    Struggled to find a source detailing what is included, any ideas?


    CTD happens more often
    once fixed heli minigun back to annihilator
    Tanks are invisible
    AT rockets fly through everything
    bunny hopping switched to Kangaroo jump for extra height
    New game mode of NO VEHICLES
    Custom made parachutes
    Fan ingame.. cools you down in this Heat! *hopefully*
    Helicopters can go underwater
    MADMAX Spray and Pray mode added
    Heat seeking Artillery
    nube tube has power of C4 now

    I think thats about it…. :/


    Patch v1.4


    – The vehicle drop has been modified to help prevent exploits such as blocking
    enemy vehicles, destroying vehicles and commander assets, or as an alternative
    to artillery.
    – C4 tossing distance has been reduced.
    – A prone->crouch delay has been added.


    – Fixed the Linux server hangs when trying to load a Special Forces Co-Op map.
    – Another attempt at fixing the Red/Blue nametag bug.
    – Fixed the missing server info on the map briefing screen.
    – Fixed the server browser issues with updating info.
    – Fixed the filter by maps size option in the server browser.
    – Fixed a low reproducibility crash bug related to the vehicle drop.
    – Fixed a crash in Co-op after a player is revived without a kit.
    – Fixed a server crash on Linux 32 when trying to rotate maps in Coop Mode.
    – Fixed the occasionnal red distance marker appearing on the ground.
    – Fixed the bug that caused the player’s arms to become invisible when switching
    – Co-Op bot console commands now function on local servers.
    – Fixed the excessive damage taken by the Muscle Car.
    – Adjusted the minimum number of players to start the round
    on ranked servers.
    – Re-enabled unlocks on unranked servers.
    – Commander options are no longer available whilst commander is dead.
    – Fixed bug where a spawn point is shown as selected when it is not if player has
    spawned in during the preview round.
    – Co-Op (Local Server) – Fixed the issue where no other players may join the server
    if the server host is kicked and banned.
    – Ranked Servers now force unlocks.
    – Added support for multiple gamemodes in single maplist for mods.


    @Lammie wrote:

    Patch v1.4


    – The vehicle drop has been modified to help prevent exploits such as blocking
    enemy vehicles, destroying vehicles and commander assets, or as an alternative
    to artillery.

    awww… I won’t be able to drop vehicles on people’s head anymore? 😥


    @MaNSLaUgHtEr wrote:

    @Lammie wrote:

    Patch v1.4


    – The vehicle drop has been modified to help prevent exploits such as blocking
    enemy vehicles, destroying vehicles and commander assets, or as an alternative
    to artillery.

    awww… I won’t be able to drop vehicles on people’s head anymore? 😥

    Actually yes you can, what this change has done is to stop people taking out Arty, Blocking Runways etc, but if a sniper is out in the open ……

    XDC MadHippy

    are the Multiplay server to be patched with this? XDC in particular?


    @=XDC= MadHippy wrote:

    are the Multiplay server to be patched with this? XDC in particular?

    Doubt it mate because it’s a public beta the servers will be unranked


    “Fixed the excessive damage taken by the Muscle Car” -lol aye?


    Nowhere does it mention “Stopping the MaxHax hacks”

    FFS 😡 😥 👿

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