Well about an hour of play and all i can say is..
It really is shit.
Buggy as fuck… My fps are low. Titan is bugged for me… go inside the thing and the screen (apart from the hud and my hands/gun) goes black.
The way the game plays just does not feel right. Cant put my finger on why… Just feels all wrong.
Yeah and WTF is the login all about… You have to login first of all with the user name/pass you used for ea sites or gayspy sites (i think).. Then you go to another screen where you create/ retrieve your char (thats the bit where you can select you prefix/squad tags)
On the plus side. the server browser thing is good in this version.. You even have a buddie list on there.
I await the patch that breaks it 🙂 (if it works that is) 🙄
So to sum it up.
Buggy, crap and ………… Nope cant think of a nice word, so shit it is.