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  • #14192
    von smallhousen


    Last night I had the misfortune fo watching ‘Alexander’ (the Great) (or as it should be, Gay) …

    This is possibly the worst film I have ever seen, how the fuck this got budget I do not know –

    1. All main Greek characters speak Irish. Even the american actors go a long way to put on the famous ‘O’Reilly the bent NY cop accent… A word to the director, “WTF!”

    2. In counter-part to this Irish drivel, supposed to be the tongue of ancient Greece, Angelina Jolie puts on a startling performance exposing her character for the true object of desire she was supposed to have been – by talking like the police man out of Allo Allo.

    3. There are numerous and cringe worthy ‘looks’ … so many in the end I turned this shit off. I counted 9 ego stroking american brat pack stars all trying to give the best ‘look’
    Director: “Mr. Farrell, sad face”
    Colin Farrell: 😥
    Director: “hold the pose, ok now look to the sky, think of strangling puppies…”

    4…. theres many more plot holes, blaitant disregard for what acctually happened during the conqueor of Asia during the reign of Alexander, but to be honest I can’t be bothered. One last thing I will say is – HE WAS GAY? – he may have been batting for both teams like most ancient Greek warriors, but he was not fucking Candy Floss the Fluffer with bleach blonde hair waxed legs and wink and I’ll bend over.

    JESUS this film was awful – I have thrown it away, i suggest anyone who has it to do the same.


    Yep, utter crap ‘wotaboutya’ film, best bit, disc 2 about 15-20 mins in, that girl has great tits!


    @=XDC=Badger wrote:

    Yep, utter crap ‘wotaboutya’ film, best bit, disc 2 about 15-20 mins in, that girl has great tits!

    When I heard how this film was being pitched “It’s about a bisexual warrior”, I immediately wondered exactly who it was being marketed for. I mean, it’s not really a date flick or a guys movie.

    Then, when the movie turns out to be bollox, Oliver Stone turns around and blames the public for ‘being unable to watch a film about a sensitive man’. Pah! I think it’s the public’s fault for not wanting to watch a shit film.

    And Vonsmall’s right, Greeks weren’t bunch of metrosexual David Beckham wannabes, they were pretty fucking tough.


    Heard its toss from some people.. so never bothered with it


    I watched this a while ago and whilst I thought the battle scenes were ok, like mentioned above the film concentrates far too much on his sexuality.

    When I see a film about one of the greatest military leaders to have walked the planet, I expect to be shown how he achieved these mighty victories and not to have them glossed over as a side show to his bottom touching antics.

    Also the accents were off putting at times, seems that Hollywood makes no effort these days.

    But yeah that bird has a great pair of norks

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