BFBC2….any good ?

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    XDC wild egg tamer

    Hey all, i guess the game has been out some time now so you’ve all had a chance to play it through and suss out the pros and cons.

    I’m still without PC and did have a go on the 360 version at a friends house (albeit briefly) but found i’m just not comfortable with the control pad, i guess that would come with time and practice.

    What is the general feel about the game ? Does it have the longevity of BF1942 or is it more akin to BF2/2142 ?

    What are the maps like; is it a pilots wet dream or is the balancing better than in other titles? What vehicles are available?

    Are there still lots of the old regulars playing or is it difficult to find a server thats reasonably full ?

    I feel i’m missing out not playing with you guys, i always had the BF games on the first day of release but haven’t been able to do anything about BFBC2 so far.

    Cheers all.


    pilots are few and far between as there are only helicopters to fly (and the UAV) so no worries there! It is better than BF2142 and possibly BF2 but not as awesome as bf1942 which is a shame, but that was the daddy of all games! There are a few people playing it, although not having a server has meant we are a little communitiless and, as no one uses TS except Matt John Doc and Streff it is hard to play with the guys.

    Also forget the XBOX controller, it’s rubbish for FPS (although a generally decent controller for other things like racing games)

    xdc magicker

    wolf summed it up.. i think this is probably the most fun i have had playing since 42. much more infantry work and the rush games are a good alternative to conquest.

    the weapons are nicely balanced and if you can find a server with active squads you are in for a great night,.


    @=XDC= wild egg tamer wrote:

    What is the general feel about the game ? Does it have the longevity of BF1942 or is it more akin to BF2/2142 ?

    Does it have the longevity of BF1942 – No, but I don’t think anything will really. But, it’s still darn good fun. I found it very unforgiving for a week or two. It takes a while to get used to the mechanics of the game – probably more so than any game I’ve played.

    @=XDC= wild egg tamer wrote:

    What are the maps like; is it a pilots wet dream or is the balancing better than in other titles? What vehicles are available?

    Some are great. Some are not so great. They are all quite disorientating at first. Especially the foresty/ jungley ones. There is not much flying at all in this one. To be honest not enough vehicle stuff either imho

    @=XDC= wild egg tamer wrote:

    Are there still lots of the old regulars playing or is it difficult to find a server thats reasonably full ?

    Like Wolfie said there’s a handful of us playing.. but we never seem to be on at the same time. At least when I’m about anyway. There’s also a lot of old, familiar names from 7dr and The Hussars playing too.

    As I’ve just come back to gaming after a few years up the most infuriating development has been the unlock system. Whereby you get a better choice of weapons the longer you play/ better you get. So when you first start playing and you find yourself being hit by rockets/ mortars/ weapons which you cannot get until you reach a certain level it becomes very frustrating.


    you can pick up the other weapons from the dead


    Well worth picking up on the PC but I’d stay clear of the Xbox version. Setting aside the controller it just felt, um, just real sluggish to play. Zipping about on the PC version though is fantastic and once I started moving up the ranks I found it even better! Tell you what though, it’s taken me a bit of adjustment after playing MF2 so much. To start with I kept running forward like a maniac and reloading after every burst.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    all good info…………think i may invest in a new pc for my 40th this year, sadly that’s not until November.

    xdc magicker

    it is a snipers dream.. if that’s what floats your boat.

    never had so much fun with a rifle.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    i’ve always enjoyed being a sniper or the SF class, sneaking into the enemy base and blowing their shit up………the good old days: BF1942, sneaking into the enemy hanger and laying mines on the wings of enemy aircraft or just under the rear wheels. Plotting myself up somewhere and taking potshots at the chaps waiting for aircraft to spawn. BF2, sneaking into the enemy base and taking out the commanders toys. Laying up as a sniper with a kill zone around me of claymores ready and awaiting any sneaky git trying to slice me open.

    Damn i miss them days.

    Hopefully a new pc will get me back online, the question is will any of you still be playing in November? 😉

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