Catch 22: Installing ME on a Laptop with a CD

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    Firstly, I do realise the absurdity of this installing ME on a laptop but I’ve got to do it.

    My old laptop needs ME installing on it (which I have on CD) and I have a bootable floppy with CD ROM drivers on it, but my laptop only has 1 CD ROM/Floppy drivebay so I can either boot with floppy or with a CD ROM drive, but not both at the same time.

    I’m pretty sure I can copy the contents of the boot diskette onto the HDD and make it bootable with the CD ROM support so that I can install ME, but I can’t for the life of me remember how.

    Gimme a break, I’m old and haven’t touched a FAT32 drive in years, and I don’t have a pile of Win 95 floppies like I used to.

    Any suggestions?


    Its absurd to install that wank on anything let alone a laptop!

    get a grip man

    I assume your copy of ME on CD isnt bootable is it?

    In the old days I believe I used a “Shuttle” .. parallel CDRom drive to get over this kinda predicament.. Can you get hold of one?


    I don’t think I can get hold of a shuttle external CD ROM drive, but I know what you mean. That’d solve the problem in a flash.

    However, I’m pretty sure I can copy the autoexec.bat and the boot.ini to the root of C: and make it bootable, although it’s not, so I must be doing something wrong. Or am I imagining something that I saw in an episode of Bugs?

    xdc magicker

    external floppy drives are the answer – you can pick em up for 10 – 15 quid – you might even have some lying around in old laptop bags if you have access to a stash (cant remember what sort of work you do.)

    xdc magicker

    are you sure you Me cd is not bootable? even 98 oem disks were bootable….


    Aye.. the LS models have external parallel floppy drives Mark.. see if that works?


    Cheers Magicker, although I don’t reckon the BIOS in this laptop’ll recognise them. It’s an old, old, old, Compal (who?) laptop with only 3 boot options HDD, Floppy or CD ROM.

    The other option (I suppose) is to install DOS 6 or 7 and then modify the autoexec to include CD ROM drivers and then try the CD ROM.


    The other option is to bin it or use it as a doorstop.. I have to ask.. why the fook do you need it?


    It’s my old firewall PC (which has been running linux) and I said I’d give it to somebody’s kid. But obviously a linux laptop isn’t everyone’s idea of a good time so I said I’d install ME on it, which was what I had running on there origionally (‘cos it supported all the drivers).

    But I’d installed ME via 95, and now I don’t have the disks. Although I could have sworn that there’s a way to make the HDD bootable from a floppy.

    Bah! Computers! Who’d have ’em?

    BTW: LS external FDD won’t work 🙁


    The DOS SYS command will make the drive bootable. It should be on the boot diskette.

    If you can do that you could copy the autoexec over and edit it so the paths relate to C: The CD Rom drivers would need to be copied to C: too obviously.

    It would only work if the C: partition was less than 2Gb and formatted as FAT. But you could change that later after installing ME.


    and if you copy the diskettes to a cd then swap once you have the comand prompt?


    Dont think it loads the drivers without CD present mr Spunker :/


    @=XDC=NeonSamurai wrote:

    It’s my old firewall PC (which has been running linux) and I said I’d give it to somebody’s kid. But obviously a linux laptop isn’t everyone’s idea of a good time so I said I’d install ME on it, which was what I had running on there origionally (‘cos it supported all the drivers).

    But I’d installed ME via 95, and now I don’t have the disks. Although I could have sworn that there’s a way to make the HDD bootable from a floppy.

    Bah! Computers! Who’d have ’em?

    BTW: LS external FDD won’t work 🙁

    Not that im questioning your intelligence but is the ME CD an upgrade to Wind95 and not the full install?


    @Wipers wrote:

    The DOS SYS command will make the drive bootable. It should be on the boot diskette.

    If you can do that you could copy the autoexec over and edit it so the paths relate to C: The CD Rom drivers would need to be copied to C: too obviously.

    It would only work if the C: partition was less than 2Gb and formatted as FAT. But you could change that later after installing ME.

    Hooray! Wipers for teh win! That’s what I was looking for. I’ll give it a try and if it won’t work they I’ll do some jiggery pokery with HDD and other laptops, but I knew there was a proper way to do it.

    By way of thanks, here’s Sarah Michelle Gellar on her fourth date with the invisible man:

    And don’t worry Silver, ’tis the full product.


    Jebus.. you sure its not the Invisible Donkey?

    Heres a picture of the afore mentioned creature….


    Doh! Sorry your meant to wear “unvisible glasses”


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