Cheers Admin

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    Been on the server quite a bit today as my old clan have f*cked up the server cycle, I dislike most of the new maps.

    But that wasn’t the point of this post (no, no!) Wanted to say cheers to the admin who cleared a few spaces so my mates *PUBers* could get on too.

    Good Sat days play today. The most amusing part? Hmmm probably Itchinads popping me 3x in a row on Shaqui…twice with a tow then finally on foot as i tried from the other side to knife him lo.

    Take it easy all.


    😀 np m8 , glad u guys had fun


    Haha Yeah good times Sat night.

    The most amusing part for me was my little 1v1 battle with Pod.

    One time, I was prone in my commander screen, and I heard this faint little noise in the background, like someone climbing up the nearby ladder…… so I panicked and frantically got out of the commander screen, only to see Pod approaching with his shock paddles! The cheeky fuck! So I shotgunned him HAHA!

    And I got him with my strategically placed AT mine later on 8)

    Lesson: NEVER try to get one over on me when I’m commanding! LOL.


    I had a similar experience with Pharty the other evening. I was prone as commander, and just happened to flip to the map, and there he was about to knife me – gave me a freakin shock seeing him there! Managed to shoot him more by luck than intent.

    But the git then hunted me down for the rest of the round. Geez, that guy holds a grudge 😉


    Yeah, was a good night Saturday.

    Glad you didn’t take it personal, I thought they were 2 jammy TOWs, but the shotgun when I realised you was being sneaky made me laugh 😀

    Wow, my name mentioned in dispatches on BF2 😀

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