Claymores in Battlefield x

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    If there’s one thing I hate is getting KIA’d by anti-personnel mines. Like, where’s the skill in that, mofo? You don’t stand a chance: BOOM + death :evil:. They, especially in BF2142, are the ultimate lame weapon, lamer by far than “easy mode” AKA Support Role with turret gun and all-day-nade-spamming.

    EA done a bad thing giving the Recon guy a machine gun unlock. It’s a fine gun indeed – reminds me of a slightly weaker variant of the German STG-44. That thing, with APM’s and (Holy Mother Of God!) RDX packs just makes me cream my pants.

    I can really help my team with these babies, and man, do I get a huge he-he-fucking-larious laugh out of it or what! Apart from the obvious and shameful-feeling 😳 booby-trapped flag shennigans, I love scheming new surprises for the enemy. Trouble is, the more random they appear, the more infuriating it is for the victims and (here’s the worst part) the more it makes me laugh.

    I do it because I have defensive or offensive objectives in mind: do you ever get the feeling that you’re the only person on your team that knows you should hold on to the hard-won prizes? It seems most numpties put on party-hats and head down to the enemy uncap with the armour for a duck-shoot. Meanwhile, I’m feeling sorry for the enemy but thinking everything’s wide open for them to sneak round the back and sweep through all the flags unopposed. So I spread some bombs around and take a trip around one or two other capped-flags looking for crafty intruders. I’m trying to be everywhere at once to foil (rarely :() or raise the alarm.

    Perhaps it’s wrong, though :?. Maybe there’s something dishonest – dishonorable – about sneaky bombs? Am I on the road to Hell, oh wise ones?

    -Fenix out on the next plane to Rio


    not at all, APM are in the game for a reason, its just annoying dying by them but they can be used will extreme skill.


    I agree with Max.

    The same argument applies to my favourite weapon – the Motion Mine. I absolutely bloody love those things. There is skill in their placement, and they can be defeated – just hop out of a vehicle – but they are great fun.

    They also hang around for a while after you die, which really helps my score. I die a lot 😳

    XDC MadHippy

    Thing is, If you go in crouch mode you can walk by them. Rather than running in gung ho and getting blown to bits. Besides, A good squad with either engy or sniper can take them out. The unlocked sniper rifle can shoot em and the engineer can defuse them. I personally think an engineer shold get points for clearing the way for his squad.

    anyhoos, I’ve only unlocked the APM, Lambert and demo pax so I don’t have much of a choice at the moment. Got five more unlocks buyt don’t know what to go for next 🙄


    Cool I didn’t know about crouching and the sniper rifle. See, you are Wise!


    The claymore isn’t lame, it’s how it’s used. Planting it on enemy spawnpoints so they die the second they spawn is of course lame, but using it to defend is what they’re all about. Whether they’re used to defend objectives or sniping positions is irrelevant. Unlike the support sentry, these can only ever gain a finite number of kills whilst they sentry can kill everyone on the enemy team and then some.

    Now you have got the hang of planting the claymores sneakily where they can’t be seen, you need to master planting them in places where they can be seen to take it to the next level 😛

    When they’re visible, they can buy that all-important time needed to get your ass back into position for defence whilst they stumble around trying to get past. The downside is they wil lblow sooner or later which means you have to risk being nade spammed whilst dropping another. Of course that in itself is NOT the next level 😛

    What you need to do now is start planting them in small corridoors where they can be blatantly spotted, but the cacth is you face them AWAY from the enemy and towards yourself. This may sound crazy, but it will buy you even more time because they will test the water to see if it goes off then give up, then try again. What is also good is those that dare to be stupid will fail, because as soon as they run past it thinking it’s a dud they’re as good as dead 😆 Those clever enough to find another way around will also inevitably get killed by it on their way back out haha. In BF2 that’s as good as you’ll get, but on 2142 you can take this too the next level of lethality 😛

    You continue the step above placing the facing claymore AWAY from the enemy, preferably at the entrance to titan console corridoors. Then you plant an RDX pack hidden infront of it. As they keep coming in groups testing the waters to see if the claymore pops, blow your RDX packs 😈 The claymore will survive so you won’t have to find a support to rearm hehe, but of course you will eventually run out of RDX packs then switch to grenades. When they’re also gone you have to leave your post and start running with your knife out, prawning them from behind as they look gormlessly at the claymore 😛

    Master these steps and you will graduate from LeGIt’s school of Claymores 8)

    Claymores FTW!!


    Claymores are ghey. Big time.

    However they are in the game for a reason. I agree with the comments here about how ghey it is to leave them lying around on the battlefield in the middle of nowhere (or my favourite) next to a spawn beacon. If you’re doing that, it’s just an attempt to get kills, nothing else. Destroying the beacon is a better option tactically.

    I used to use claymores all the time in BF2, but mostly when I was commander. There’s nothing more annoying than having one guy sneak around and cap a flag when no one’s defending it. At least with a claymore you have a chance to stop him. I defended loads of flags from attacks by one-off attackers when I was commander. But if there are 2 or 3 guys (with at least one medic) they’ll cap it no problem.

    I say carry on as you are Fenix. It’s as annoying as fuck, but so’s getting knifed in the back.


    gotta say if it wasn’t for the apm I still would be a private,

    The only source of points for me lol
    I understand they can be quite lame on Titan mode though considering I usually kill the same guy around 5 times when I’m defending and I admit if that was me I would be screwing.


    Didn’t know you could crouch walk past them.

    I think I knew about the unlocked sniper rifle being able to take them out. And you can demo charge them too. I think nades should blast them to tiny bits too.

    If anything the extra impact of claymores encourages greater teamplay still no? We had a storming squad onboard the other titan last night I think it was. 8 soldiers in total with a few medics and support and a couple others. The enemy didn’t know what hit them as we’d run into their claymores for a quick revive and then we’re gunning for those sneaky claymore laying gits. We blitzted their titan in record time.

    Big squads for the win!


    @Erratic-Space wrote:

    Didn’t know you could crouch walk past them.

    Now that you’ve enlightened me with that, I’ve only been killed by one claymore because I forgot to crouch, nice little bit of info! thanks 😆


    @To0THBRU5H wrote:

    @Erratic-Space wrote:

    Didn’t know you could crouch walk past them.

    Now that you’ve enlightened me with that, I’ve only been killed by one claymore because I forgot to crouch, nice little bit of info! thanks 😆

    Three times yesterday I got killed by a claymore that I’d already spotted, because as I was crouched and moving slowly past it some brainiac on my team either ran up behind me or decided that I needed more ammo and threw a crate at me 😡

    Crouching may stop YOU from setting it off, but it won’t stop your silly team members.

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