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  • #16333
    xdc the doc

    Since we dont have a COH forum Im posting here…

    Spunker! Check out the forums on this site

    – lots of useful tips. Main things Im picking up is that we need to start using riflemen to spam axis right from the start – dont let them get near tigers… and I was wrong about para being useless… the secret is u make lots of supply drops giving me ammo to use AWM whenever my tanks get blown!

    Good games lately m8 – hope you can get a bit of time away from the ball and chain next week for some rematches!

    xdc the doc

    Some of the stuff here is pure gold… just found out about using smoke mortars to evade AT guns…. why didnt I think of that?

    Also…. we can remove our wire/tank traps by just selecting them and pressing delete twice!!! To think of all the res we wasted on wire cutters ๐Ÿ™„

    Im itching to get off the Shetland isles and back to the computer for a few games now ๐Ÿ˜€

    Where are all the XDC COH players? I had lost interest in it… but playing online over TS is the shizzle!


    lol doc. hurry up im back at home and will be till Wednesday so moooore games ๐Ÿ˜‰
    great tips bud.
    CMON COH PEEEPS its a great game and would be even greater if a few more of us played so we can set up some online good games.
    had a great game later on on Friday doc. My teammate dropped about 2 minutes in and I held off the might of the german army with the magic of AT guns and dirty sneaky paras throwing tnt on all their goodies ๐Ÿ˜›


    @=XDC=sPUNKer wrote:

    lol doc. hurry up im back at home and will be till Wednesday so moooore games ๐Ÿ˜‰
    great tips bud.
    CMON COH PEEEPS its a great game and would be even greater if a few more of us played so we can set up some online good games.
    had a great game later on on Friday doc. My teammate dropped about 2 minutes in and I held off the might of the german army with the magic of AT guns and dirty sneaky paras throwing tnt on all their goodies ๐Ÿ˜›

    Started playing the campaign over the weekend and thoroughly enjoying it. How does online work? Is it a 1 on 1 match or can more people join in?


    I’m going to treat myself to this once I’ve got my thesis out the way. So hopefully sometime next week I’ll be joining in. Unless my wife has a list of jobs for me to do….

    xdc the doc

    Good man Wipers.

    You can play up to 4vs 4, but me n Spunker have lately been teaming up over TS to fight other teams online and its superb. All the tactical chat is quite engaging…. though the recriminations and swearing from Spunker when things dont go well are not a pretty sight ๐Ÿ˜€


    @xdc the doc wrote:

    All the tactical chat is quite engaging…. though the recriminations and swearing from Spunker when things dont go well are not a pretty sight ๐Ÿ˜€

    its because Gerry is a tight fisted Scotsman who finds it hard to spend his res on something as basic as wire cutters ๐Ÿ˜›
    Oh that and the fact that he drives his tanks all over my nicely laid out sandbag defences ๐Ÿ™„
    mind you I get him back by pretending that I didnt realize my bombing runs were configured badly* ๐Ÿ˜›

    genuinely sorry about that one m8 lol

    Great that your getting into it Charlie and go for it Lensman . Really is a grey matter/on your toes game and if we could get 8 XDC players together (which there should be by now) one night it would be a ball.
    Bit of advice for ya Wipers is once you get your head around the campaign then start playing some skirmish games against the computer. That is basically how the online game is. Also its the only way you can get to test out the axis side as they have a different building system and 3 different doctrines for you to chose from. There are 2 types of play, one is total annihilation which is exactly what it says on the box (which we currently prefer) or victory points which is in essence like BF where certain control points stop your points from ticking down. These games can be tactically great fun also. If you like, me n doc could have a game with you and put us against the CPU so you can get a general idea of strategy as you can save the game at the end and replay it whenever you like.


    FUCCCKK You make it sound so fun! Im really tempted, but have too muck work to do ๐Ÿ™

    Lets hope you are still playing in two months time when I am done ๐Ÿ™‚


    get to work then turks. I dont see this one dropping out of favour. Its the type of game you can pick up and come back to anyway. Ive had the thing long enough now ๐Ÿ˜‰

    XDC Erratic-Space

    It looks a real nice game but alas no more new games for me till I get rid of this lumbering hump of junk and upgrade for something with a bit more get up and go.

    Anyone got a spare grand lying about? ๐Ÿ™‚
    Hmm me thinks I’ll need to rob the post office but the only get away car we’ve got is the Daewoo.


    Oh I might have to join you lot then!


    Bought it from Play for รƒฦ’ร†โ€™รƒยขรขโ€šยฌร…ยกรƒฦ’รขโ‚ฌลกรƒโ€šร‚ยฃ20, so will be joing you lot too, think me bro has it too.


    good good
    muhahaha our evil plan is working doc ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Think I might get it anyway – if I do enough work in the day, theres no reason why I shouldn’t have fun in the evenings ๐Ÿ™‚


    cmon doc you gonna be around earlier for a game tonight?
    im itching to get a good strat on lyon as when you dropped I got my arse served on a plate due to only being airbourne and having my manpower double capped out with little soldier men. beginning to think that i should hold out on airborn depending on if i can get that left point early. As their arty is devestating if we get stalemated and the howitzers are great for clearing their stuff and they rearm quick also

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