"Come quietly or there will be… Trouble."

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  • #15774

    Check this out: It’s not a bullet-proof vest, it’s a virtually everything-proof battle suit.

    Using the hard-learned lessons of his Project Grizzly experience — a 20-year odyssey that included a National Film Board documentary, an appearance on CNN and personal bankruptcy — he’s ready to start selling his newest idea.

    Already, he says, the suit has stood up to bullets from high-powered weapons, including an elephant gun. The suit was empty during the ballistics tests, but he’s more than ready to put it on and face live fire.

    “I would do it in an instant,” he said. “Bring it on.”


    shell to stave off bullets, explosives, knives and clubs

    LOL Clubs??? Is he hoping to sell to Cavemen also?


    Dangling between the legs, that would be a clock.

    Had to re read that sentence!

    The whole suit comes in at 18 kilograms. It covers everything but the fingertips and the major joints, and could be mass-produced for about $2,000, Hurtubise says.

    Fuck thats heavy! and it doesnt cover the major joints… good idea batman!


    That’s quality. Gives my 2142 experience a reality check.

    Adds it to my Christmas ’07 list 🙂


    Personally, I think the Army will not go for it as they may believe that a soldiers life is not worth the cost….

    Look at the Gulf war – soldiers lives could have been saved if the army bought the correct type of Vehicles.

    However, the concept sounds good and if it saves lives then it should be given a go.


    I reckon its a suit which will be sold to the makers of the Halo Film


    Just showed this link to a mate who responded:

    lol !!! one question though if the suits that friggin good why does he need compartments for morphine ??

    Good point…


    V good point!


    To make the wearer feel invincible doping them up is all you can do. You could of course use teenagers, but then they would lack the years of experience to actually be of any use.


    @LeGIt wrote:

    To make the wearer feel invincible doping them up is all you can do. You could of course use teenagers, but then they would lack the years of experience to actually be of any use.

    Good point LeGit, but I would go one better and drop children behind enemy lines. Here’s my proposal:

    We’re at war with Russian and losing badly. Get a bunch of kids aged 5-12 and let them eat loads of sweets and crisps. Make them watch the Tweenies, or Lazy Town or whatever for about 4 hours until they’re fidgiting and restless and then parachute a few thousand of them into the Kremlin. Jebus! Can you imagine that? 2000 hyperactive kids running wild in the Kremlin, half wanting the toilet, the other half wanting “more sweets!” or asking “what does this do?” They’d be like the energizer bunny on speed. It’d be a frickin’ nightmare.

    The war would be over in hours.


    Sounds like my house on a typical day….


    Thank you for your co-operation

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