CRYSIS: island walkthrough vid

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  • #16754
    XDC wild egg tamer

    This game should really justify the need for a new PC.. I need to start saving or get in touch with me bank!

    I hear vista SP due out soon too.. not that I’d upgrade to it just yet.. maybe when SP2 is out I might 🙂


    I have vista running on a laptop and so far I have had absolutley no problems. It take a little gettign used too and can be a bit quirky but that is just Microsoft trying to be clever. I had installed a few games on it under vista and so far everything has worked the same way it’s worked under XP.

    /Back on topic…..

    Crysis does look rather nice 😉


    Game looks really good, some nice effects. seeing as Vista has DX10, this game should rock.

    Vista FTW!


    XP will run DX10 too nobber!

    they just say that to mug nobbers like you to buy there overpriced buggy shite hehe


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    XP will run DX10 too nobber!

    they just say that to mug nobbers like you to buy there overpriced buggy shite hehe

    You sure about that mike? Everything i’ve read says it’s vista only. And it looks like there won’t be a vista service pack till the new year…


    I said that too! IT would be madness to exclude the XP users who prob number That of the VISTA,


    It will be be both DX9 and DX10 compatible. If you want all the bells and whistles and the eye candy then DX10 /Vista although there may be a DX10 update for XP I’m sure is will be a cut down version sorta DX9+ variety. I would be suprised if they went down this route as it’s in their interest to push poeple down the Vista path.

    Vista has it’s problems but then it’s a Microsoft OS so you already knew there would be issues with drivers and support for some hardware types. Rumours are the beta version of SP1 with be released on W/C 16th July with the full release by the end of the year around the same time they release Server 2008.


    SP1 with be released on W/C 16th July

    Aye.. thats what I heard too


    very soon according to sources

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