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  • #73289
    XDC wild egg tamer

    gay-mag pose if ever i saw one!!



    cant decide if i am horny or i want to vomit 8)


    you got a wii fit as well then steve 😆


    Buy some clothes, man ❗


    Don’t worry Sprog, the forums aren’t in danger of closing, yet. That we actually have a community here supporting the forum is an incredible bonus considering the original intentions behind XDC and it’s not something we’re just going to throw away. That being said, XDC is supposed to be a “clan” (10 years and I still hate that word!), not simply a forum, and in the time leading up to making the OP we were not functioning as one. Sure lots of us are still wearing the tags, but some have also taken them off and drifted elsewhere for the clan experience, or whatever you want to call it. I was thinking about doing the same.

    I want to be able to log in and have a game with people I know I can have a good game with, but finding those XDC tags was starting to become difficult. There are various reasons for it, but at the end of the day it came down to a decision between whether I considered the decline terminal or whether it was fixable. It would also be easier to go elsewhere, and do the whole drift between various clans thing, but I’d prefer we got XDC working again instead. I was perhaps a little melodramatic in the OP, it was slightly alcohol fueled and written shortly after Liverpool being beat by Chelsea, but I was serious in that I was on the verge of giving up on XDC.

    I don’t know how much interaction there is between XDC on the console side of things, but since there’s little I can do to fix that anyway, my focus will always be on the platform I have access to, PCs. No matter how lighthearted and laidback we try to be, if something needs done, it always takes someone to step up and get the ball rolling. With the OP, and the time spent over the last month, I’ve tried to do this for the PC gamers amongst us, and the improvement has been significant enough for me to be making plans for a new XDC server in the new year, assuming the current trend continues. If someone wants to do the same for the console gamers, work away, I’ve always hoped someone would, and never tried to discourage it.

    The ideal scenario is to have both sides of XDC growing, as that will in turn keep the forums alive long term, and I’m sure it would be beneficial to have two active groups for those of us who drift between the two platforms. It also makes sense to do this since the divide between console and PC gamers is only a temporary situation. Eventually technology is going to bridge the divide and bring both groups together. Since I’ve no intention of getting a console, I can only work on keeping half of XDC functioning, until that time.


    fucking console hater 👿


    Really don’t know where you get that notion from Tooth.


    gay-mag pose if ever i saw one!!

    So admits wet… :/


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    gay-mag pose if ever i saw one!!

    So admits wet… :/

    Ahhh… so that’s what taxi drivers read whilst waiting around in the taxi ranks 😀


    which they should change to Taxi Wanks going off Wets comment

    XDC wild egg tamer

    not worthy of comment 😉


    When you going Gurnell you big perv!

    XDC wild egg tamer

    possibly tomorrow (today) if i can be arsed!!


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    maybe be more open to consoles etc. Its more than a gaming clan, its a social entity for piss taking and mirth.




    DON’T PANIC (imagine in big friendly letters)

    I’m putting in some apps for other clans and you may see me on steam with no tags or wearing some random ones, but I’m not leaving XDC. Just thought I’d post given my initial comments here, as this was basically the way I was intending on going if no improvement in things here. Things are looking up for us but I really want to get into the competitive scene in TF2, and an XDC team is just too difficult to get going. Dunno yet who’ll take me yet, but I hope it’ll be one of the ETF2L teams and hopefully along the way I’ll make some good contacts and gain the experience we need for a team of our own one day.

    Anyway, don’t worry about seeing me wearing other colours.

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