First penis transplant reversed

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    LONDON (Reuters) – Surgeons in China who said they performed the first successful penis transplant had to remove the donated organ because of the severe psychological problems it caused to the recipient and his wife.

    Dr Weilie Hu and surgeons at Guangzhou General Hospital in China performed the complex 15-hour surgery on a 44-year old man whose penis had been damaged in a traumatic accident.

    The microsurgery to attach the penis, which had been donated by the parents of a 22-year-old brain-dead man, was successful but Hu and his team removed it two weeks later.

    Because of a severe psychological problem of the recipient and his wife, the transplanted penis regretfully had to be cut off,” Hu said in a report published online by the peer reviewed journal European Urology, without elaborating.

    “This is the first reported case of penile transplantation in a human,” Hu added.

    Both the man and his wife had requested the surgery. He had been unable to have intercourse or urinate properly since the accident that occurred 8 months before the surgery was performed.

    Ten days after the operation, which had been approved by the hospital’s medical ethical committee, the recipient had been able to urinate.

    There had been no signs of the 10-centimetre (4-inch) organ being rejected by the recipient’s body. But Hu said more cases and longer observation are needed to determine whether sexual sensation and function can be restored.

    “The patient finally decided to give up the treatment because of the wife’s psychological rejection, as well as the swollen shape of the transplanted penis” Hu added.

    In a commentary in the journal, Yoram Vardi, of the Rambam Medical Centre in Haifa, Israel, said the successful surgery represents an additional step in contemporary medicine.

    But he added that careful patient selection is required as well as thorough informed consent of the patient and his family.

    “Satisfactory consideration of these issues must be taken into account so that this approach can be considered a serious therapeutic option in the future,” Vardi added.


    He could not take a piss or ltp his wife… Gets a transplant and he can pee again…….. But has the thing cut off!!
    Fuck that…. He could not fark before or piss, after he could pee but probably not fark his misses after so what is the point of having it cut off again.
    All its good for its pishing out of so why not just keep it.

    Best thing is becuase

    “Because of a severe psychological problem of the recipient and his wife”

    (means his wife dont like it so she is causing his “psychological problem”) he is going to have cut off and this will cause even more problems when he is pissing all over himself, floors, doors and walls because he cant control the direction from his stump 🙂

    Ether way the relationship will end up in a divorce some how.

    He should of just kicked her into touch and got a job at the local fair as MUTANT COCKMAN!!!
    Or a superhero.
    Or a pornstar! (That guy who’s misses cut his cock off and he has it put back on made a mint that way)

    Keep the obviously mentally unstable wife and piss through a stump or ditch the bitch keep your cock and make a mint farking young fit women.
    Oh what a hard decision.

    Some people are farking retards.


    There had been no signs of the 10-centimetre (4-inch) organ being rejected by the recipient’s body. But Hu said more cases and longer observation are needed

    a longer bellend is whats needed…..fuck me…..if ya gonna have anyones knob sewn on ya might as well have a whopper stitched on


    Personally in this poor guys situation, I’d rather not have a transplant but a specially made bionic cock. I mean Steve Austin got rebuilt back in the 70’s so surely we have the technology these days to have bionic cocks or ‘cyber wangs’. In fact, I reckon I could make one out of some lego and old bits of mechano. Here’s what it will feature:


    Lost you penis in a knitting accident? No longer able to get it up whilst watching ‘Location Location Location’? Your worries are over, thanks to the new Neon Industries Robo Nob! Using state of the art technology from the space program* our scientists have not only built a fully functional cyber todger, but have even improved on god’s origional design:

    1) Increased urination range. Don’t feel like getting up from the sofa? Patio doors open? Then why bother moving when Neon Industries Robo Nob has a range of up to 30 feet?

    2) Laser assisted auto targeting. Heavy night on the town? Don’t worry about missing the toilet thanks to automated toilet aquisition that’s guarenteed to hit the pan no matter how many you think you see.

    3) Contraception. Don’t want to get your GF up the duff quite yet? Fear not. Unless you enter a six digit code into the Robo Nob, it’ll just fire blanks.

    4) Black Box Recorder. Concerned that you might be accused of rape because you wouldn’t buy her chips? The inbuilt black box recorder will provide court admissable proof of your intentions thanks to our patented jap’s eye cam.

    5) Vibro Safe feature. Cyber Schwangs can damage the enamel of your girlfriends teeth right? Wrong! Thanks to our system our ‘hot lover’ vibro feature WON’T go off accidentally.

    6) Windows CE Compatible. Need to take down some important notes during that high powered business meeting, but forgotten your PDA? The Robo Nob comes complete with a fold out QWERTY keyboard and can be plugged into any Windows CE compatible devices.

    7) Optional Feature – Disco Balls. The DJ not turned up? The party needs some livening up? With this addon feature, simply plug your MP3 player into your bionic cock and you’ve got a mobile disco in your trousers.

    The Neon Industries Robo Nob – So good, you’ll actually wish you had a nasty accident involving your little fireman, so that you can justify buying one.

    Available from Currys, Dixons and PC World – Retail £90k

    * Space Lego.


    @=XDC=NeonSamurai wrote:

    Personally in this poor guys situation, I’d rather not have a transplant but a specially made bionic cock. I mean Steve Austin got rebuilt back in the 70’s

    Only to be killed by a stingray 30 years later. There’s no justice.


    That was Steve Irwin you nobber 😀


    LOL vic you twat.

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