funny story

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    So a couple of years ago my mother went to Hong Kong, she flew with a company called Oasis Airlines. When they arrived at the airport they were met by a scrum of press all wanting to know what they thought about the airline they had flown in on going bust whilst they were in the air! It cost my mum a small fortune to get back that time and she resolved to olnly fly with reputable firms long haul from then on.

    Fast forward to a week and a half ago and my mum sets off for Hong Kong again (to go and see zigggzaggg, my broski) and she was due to arrive back tomorrow afternoon. Obviously she couldn’t get back because of all this ash in the air, so she rearranged the flight. One would have presumed that would be straightforward, but no, The earliest flight they can get her on is on the 30th April! so a ten day trip is turning into a three weeker!

    I have suggested she never fly to hong kong again, lest the airplane actually crash!


    thats some tough luck likes but it made me lol…


    😆 unlucky, though I could think of worse places to be stuck, like Livingston.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    i just got back today from Italy having been out there for 3 weeks! i only went out there for a week but the volcano decided i needed a well earned break! 😀

    xdc magicker

    lol welcome back wet

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