Good ol 80’s Slasher films

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    Looks like they are making a comeback…

    I watched a film called Hatchet last year, that was a good film.. the killings in it were brutal, as in a “oo did I just see that!?” kinda way.. the story was as normal but unless your dumb and expect an award winning storyline and script.. then you should avoid..

    anyhoos.. looks like another slasher is on the horizon.. I’ll be watching this for the lead alone 😉

    Oh and there doing another remake.. Friday the 13th.. which was shit the first time around.. they should start with 2 if its necessary to them to remake or leave alone!


    Have to disagree with you on the Friday the 13th Front, Loved all the films even though they got progresively more cheesier by the film, i think they should just steer well clear and leave them alone. no need to ruin them now.


    Agree with insane, Friday the 13th wasnt that good… Jason was/is one of the best ‘slashers’ and a decent director could do a good job on a remake (Rob Zombie?…. i know some ppl dont like him too much but i thought his Halloween was pretty good… and i loved Devils rejects too!!)

    …. also agree with Messiah….. they did get cheesier and a bit lame TBH ….Jason X…. one of the worst films ever made!!!!

    P.S. ‘got’ Hatchet sometime last year but aint got round to seein it yet! Supposd to be old school with no CGI n that…. gonna have to dig it out! 8)


    Oh yeah Mr Voorhees pwns! But I have to say.. Jason V Freddy beats Jason X hands down for being the biggest pile of toss ever.. watch it again for a laugh.. the scene around the table.. priceless

    Hatchet is brill Stella, no CGi what so ever and the killings are brutal 😛


    Finally watched Hatchet… oooooo good ‘ol fashioned low budget (even tho ‘freddy’ and ‘candyman’ are there… albeit briefly!) ‘slash ’em up flick!

    Hatchet is brill Stella, no CGi what so ever and the killings are brutal

    Agree, agree, agree!!.. its quite short tho, but its my kinda film!

    Gonna dig out ‘Toolbox murders’ have had this for ages too… bout time i watched it methinks!! You seen this one Mr. sane?


    Ooo not only have I not seen the afore mentioned filum, but I’ve never heard of it either :/

    will have a Terry though


    ah the tool box murders, classic slasher film, brilliant in all its entirety. lol… makes me chuckle now.


    Well.. they’ve finally done it.. they confirmed FT13th is being redone..

    This will be a big load of wank for this reason alone..

    “Damian Shannon and Mark Swift (Freddy vs. Jason) penned the screenplay”

    2nd shittiest film ever.. second to Starship Troopers 2!


    damn i missed troopers 2 😳 😥 🙄


    Nothing to miss.. load of toss mate!

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