Guitar Question

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    I am currently in the middle of making a video of my uganda holiday…

    As luck would have it, there were various musicians on the trip – mostly guitarists, but a couple of drummers too… anyhoo, my plan is to have some home recorded guitar tracks played along to some of the movie (also going to cut in to a vid of them playing, but thats another story!)… I was wondering, what is the best way to record an accoustic guitar on to a pc… am I right in thinking you need a pickup, and if so, what type? A friend had one, which we tried putting streight in to a dictaphone, but it didnt work… was I being a silly bugger?

    Need to keep costs down too…

    Im guessing Spunky monkey will know the answer here…



    best option if you aint got (or cant get hold of) a guitar with a pickup is to rig up a mic and record it that way. As Im assuming money IS an object then I could reccomend that you experiment with your PC mic and use some recording software sutch as sound forge or wavelab. If its lacking in EQ you can tweek it with them.
    point the mic about 20cm from the mouth of the guitar or keep trying untill you get the best sound. Nothing beats a good quality microphone tho.

    OH also heres another suggestion:
    Set up your video camera, again, at a reasonably close distance and record your playing from there. Then, if you are editing on pc, capture what you have done then save only the audio then take it for some EQ loving in your nearest friendly audio editing software package 😉
    good luck


    cheers daddio… also had the idea of plugging the dictaphone in to an electric guitar amp…but then its not an accoustic – but beggers cant be choosers aye!


    if it is a small mike you can put it in the guitar sound box, has to be a decent mike and you will have to fiddle to get it right, and also tape it down, but failing that, put it close to the strings as spunks suggests.

    Also putting it through a guitar amp is fine and doesn’t invalidate the acoustic nature of the guitar (as long as you don’t have any distortion, the difference between an acoustic and an electric is that the sound is generated in the sound box of an acousitic and can be amplified any way you want and still maintain the acoustic nature (you can buy electro acoustic guitars) whereas an electric doesn’t have a sound body and relies on pickups and amplification purely to generate the sound.

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