Help with Pinnacle video capture card

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    Bit of a long shot this, but has anyone got any experience with a Pinnacle AV/DV capture card and Pinnacle Studio software?

    When my office closed last year I “acquired” one of these cards that we had lying around. It’s got all the bits to capture analogue video and I want to use it to dump some of my videos off to DVD (holidays, wedding, kid stuff etc).

    But the effing thing just hangs my PC every time I try to capture something. I’ve got the latest drivers from Pinnacle, and a couple of outstanding support queries but they are less than responsive.

    So anyone got any experience with such a card and have any tips on getting it going without hanging?


    seems stupid but if you have another machine with an older operating system perhaps that would work?. Otherwise sounds like you have some conflict. maybe try unplugging all other usb stuff?
    I dont know. Wouldnt touch pinnacle myself. try and get a copy of cyberlink powerdirector and see if it captures with that


    Well, I found an interesting workaround that didn’t occur to me until I read an article in PC World.

    Despite finally managing to make contact with Pinnacle support, the card still hangs upon capture. I had started to look at buying a new capture device – there’s a few USB2 devices knocking around for £40-£80. I came within a gnats knacker of ordering one, but noticed a throwaway comment in a PCW magazine about using a camcorder as an Analog to Digital converter.

    Bloody genius! What I did was to hook the analog inputs of my Canon MV5i-MC camcorder to the output of my VCR – just needed £10 SCART->composite converter from Maplin. Then I connected my camcorder as usual via Firewire to my PC, change a setting on the camcorder to put it into A/Dl converter mode, and hey presto! Press Play on the VCR, and get I clean capture of VHS video on my PC.



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