I Am Legend

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    Very nice of them to make a film based on me.. and its looking rather good also



    huh but but …thats Will Smith right?

    /me blows dust off cheese meter….


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    Very nice of them to make a film based on me.. and its looking rather good also


    It’s called ‘I Am Legend’ Mike, not ‘I Am A Big Gay’.

    Yeah, based on the book pretty cool – vampire killing ftw


    It’s called ‘I Am Legend’ Mike, not ‘I Am A Big Gay’.

    hehe you just took over the role for your GFX card post 🙂


    The book’s very good. Bit of classic scifi literature (Doc, SOIA check it out), and the script I read on the internet a few years back was pretty good (although not much like the book).

    I’ll go watch it, but I’m sure the wife’ll freak out and go mental and start shouting advice to Mr Smith, somehow thinking he will hear her.


    A decent novel, but lets see… hero dies at end of novel so Will Smith dies at end of mega bucks blockbuster movie? Erm not likely.

    btw the Omega Man was adapted from this same novel and as we all know that had Charlton Heston in full NRA mode blasting the bejesus out of zombies will a sniper rifle, and doing the dirty with a foxy black chick with an afro. It doesn’t get much better than that.


    Cheers legit! I was thinking of reading the book n all..

    like fuck I was lol! 🙂


    😉 😀

    xdc the doc

    Brilliant… get recommended a book… and promptly told the end of it a couple of posts later.

    Nice one legit… ummm wipers. You idiot! 👿


    Doc I wouldn’t have posted had I seen neon’s post – he posted while I was writing. And i salute you if you managed to bang off an order to Amazon or pop down the book shop in the intervening 5 minutes between our posts. The book is as neon says a classic of the SF genre, its been around in print for about 50 years and been adapted at least 3 times in film, all versions of which retain the original ending (i think). I assumed, wrongly as it turns out, that discussing the ending in relevance to the likely plot rewrite in the latest remake would hardly be of consequence.


    fuck it.. he’ll just have to watch the film now 🙂

    jobs a good un, films FTW! 🙂


    Yeah read the book when I was a kid, good read.

    Get it anyway Doc, even if you know what happens it’s worth reading for the main character alone who is an absolute hero in a nihilistic fuck it kind of way.

    Unlike Will Smith of course, who’s a complete bellend.


    Can I just add: “the licence plate said “Freshh” and it had dice in the mirror”
    Fresh Prince of Bellend



    xdc the doc

    lol wipers…. I’m not going to fall out over this but wtf?

    I thought you just made a stupid mistake… fair enough… no need to go on about it. but are you actually trying to say that revealling the end of books/films is ok to do? who gives a crap how old they are or whether a film has been made about them before?

    news flash…. I sometimes read books that are a few years old… and I haven’t seen every film ever made…. so please follow common practice and at least put spoiler warnings on.

    legit was quite rightly called a cock for doing exactly the same thing a month or two ago…..what’s changed?

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