making money by terry pratchet

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    xdc magicker

    well it has been a long long time since a pratchet book made me lol

    this one did.. twice. while not a great effort it seems that pratechet lost his comic touch a while back and his latest books have been interesting but certainly not funny.

    this latest effort was a dam good read – not funny but interesting in its own right

    any other pratchet fans out there?



    Phart has all of Pratchetts books. Even the kids ones, and the maps and all.

    Making money was ok, better than some of his recent works. But I would only give it a 6.5 or a 7.

    The Ank-Morpork money that came with the book was cool though 8)

    xdc the doc

    I still remember the special kind of feeling that the colour of magic represented for me as a teenager… but I have to say I lost my faith in pratchet a long tme ago. I stated to get the uncomfortable feelng that every single book had exactly the same structure as the one before… and that he had used up his store of jokes by the end of light fantastic.

    I guess its too much for one guy to be able to wite the sheer number of books that he has and keep the level of quality up.

    To you hardcore pratchet fans – what’s the best of his last 5 novels say? I feel like checking one out for old times sake.


    Doc, let me check my book database and see how I rated them, I think it is most like one that involved The Watch

    xdc the doc

    Come on pharty – what was the verdict? Once I finish ‘the kite runner’ I am bookless and could do with a pratchett fix for old times sake.


    Just emailed myself a reminder to check when I get home tonight, sorry mate


    Doc, I checked my book database this morning, the one I rated highest in the last couple of years was Thud.

    Give it a bash, I enjoyed it.


    I think my favorite one for a while was Guards guards, I must admit I wasnt really impressed with Thud at all anybody who wants a e-book version of any of his books can send me a pm and I’ll sort it out.

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