MI 3

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  • #14043
    XDC Dutchman

    The Missus fancied seeing this, and I thought okay.
    Well, that’s all it was, okay. Way too obvious that Cruise directed this as the story is very little mission impossible but more mission save the wife.
    Boring for most parts, unconvincing bad guy and plot, one or two good action sequences


    could of guessed mate!


    I too went and saw this with the wife and give it an 8/10 …but im easily pleased.

    Plus the fact that the last time i went to the pictures was to see Ghostbusters which made me about 9 ❓ .lol




    *when i acctually see it that is*


    To be honest, if the missions they went on were impossible, then they wouldn’t be able to accomplish them, would they? Yet another badly named series of films. My suggestions for more apt titles have been:

    “Mission: Unlikely”

    “Mission: Not Probable”

    “Mission: Not Easy”

    “Mission: Harder than Usual, but not so much that it’s a waste of time even trying”

    Still waiting to hear back from Hollywood on those.


    Mission Impossible 2 was probably vying up there to be the shittest film I’ve ever seen, until I saw “The Village” the other night. Jesus Christ Monkey Balls, how did that film ever get finished? Honestly, if you’d have got a part in “The Village” you’d have got half way through filming and said “Hang on a minute everyone, this is fucking bollocks. Let’s be honest here, people are going to puke at how terrible this is. Even I can see that, and we’ve only been filming for 2 days. Let’s just take the budget, go and get pissed and get some dirty whores round – and sorry Weaver, you looked a bit ropey when you were at your best and those days are long behind you so you can stay away from me at the post pub, pissed up dirty whore orgy.”


    I liked it!

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