Mr Brooks

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  • #16966

    Plot Outline: A psychological thriller about a man who is sometimes controlled by his murder-and-mayhem-loving alter ego

    I really enjoyed this film.. found myself routing for the lead, but then thinking.. Its so wrong I do!

    I recommend it to all


    four-aces deluxe

    Sorry Insane but this was the biggest pile of implausible wank I’ve watched in a long time. Respect for Costner playing a bad guy but then he was probably trying to resurrect his career. Sadly this ain’t gonna do it.
    Speaking of wank though the one thing that kept me watching was Demi Moore. She is still hot, even at 44!
    Felt the ending was a cop-out too – the scissors should have stayed where they were.
    The cast make it watchable though – just.


    Dont be sorry.. I didnt make it 🙂

    I did like it though


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    I recommend it to all

    One to avoid then methinks

    /*Runs 😆


    sorry meant to add with taste to that! 🙂

    XDC Dutchman

    @four-aces deluxe wrote:

    Sorry Insane but this was the biggest pile of implausible wank I’ve watched in a long time. Respect for Costner playing a bad guy but then he was probably trying to resurrect his career. Sadly this ain’t gonna do it.
    Speaking of wank though the one thing that kept me watching was Demi Moore. She is still hot, even at 44!
    Felt the ending was a cop-out too – the scissors should have stayed where they were.
    The cast make it watchable though – just.

    Fair review I thought.
    Good cast, good acting, but somehow I felt like I was watching an episode in a tv series instead of a movie.
    Gotta agree with the copout ending, I reckon they screened it to a test audience and they didn’t like it, and they hastily redid the ending


    .. i gotta agree with Mr. Insane on this one, i thought it was pretty good TBH, better than i was expecting with Kevin ‘Waterworld’ Costner in it! 🙂


    Felt the ending was a cop-out too – the scissors should have stayed where they were.

    …yeah about that, when i ‘got’ this film i FFWD til the end credits to check all was well (as i always do) and i accidentily saw the scene you speak of and thought ‘Shit… i know how it ends now!’

    xdc magicker

    finally watched this last night – quite impressed 8/10 – should have seen more psycho daughter moments.

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