Fuckin’ eh! That’s pretty awesome!
Although, if we can just be serious for a moment, I think that this is potentially a bad idea.
At the moment Stephen Hawking uses his intellect and genius for good, but if something bad happened and he just flipped out and went nutzoid you’d be glad that you could hide from him in snowy Alaska or the rocky mountains of Scotland. However, with this tank chair uneven terrain would no longer be his Achilles heel, and if he strapped on an RPG and an M60, he’d be like one of the bosses from Quake 2, only super clever.
Go up against your common or garden evildoer, then hiding in a cupboard or moving house might save you, but not against Hawking. With his superior intellect, all-terrain wheelchair and 7.62 LMG your number would be up, big time.
So on paper it’s a great invention, but I feel that the creators haven’t fully realised this chair’s capacity for evil.