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    howdy all know i havent been around much of late. Finally found out why wifey has been having these damn migrains, 😈 she has MS(multiple sclerosis),she is fine and the stuff is hopefully in remission again she starts shots every other day now for the rest of her life, but thats ok id rather have her around awhile you know 😉 .well thats the story of my spring and summer,all i do is golf , work at bar, and my real job of making teeth.mow the lawn and garden a bit.we had some very nasty storms come rtolling through here last week lost a magnolia tree that was at least 100 years old im very depressed about that.shadded the house really well so see how it affects the cooling bills.i am kinda rambling here but just wanted to say hey and see how the others are doing havent seen queeks for a bit so dont know what hap to him but i will here from him for long i bet take care all and hopefully soething will come out thyat all of us will play again.


    Hey Jar! Good to have you back!

    Your troubles sound like a nightmare, but you seem positive – chin up old man!

    xdc the doc

    Hey Jar.

    Sorry to hear about your wife. MS affects more Scottish people than any other country so I have seen a lot of it over the years. Be strong for her – she will need you a lot over the years, but lots of people live with the disease for many years without to many impingements on their life.


    Hey John!
    Damn it never rains it pours huh?
    Good to see you’re keeping your spirits up tho
    keep checking up on us as there are a few games that should get the old XDC interest up again soon 😉


    @=XDC=sPUNKer wrote:

    Hey John!
    Damn it never rains it pours huh?
    Good to see you’re keeping your spirits up tho
    keep checking up on us as there are a few games that should get the old XDC interest up again soon 😉

    here here spunker, OFP2 out soon


    Hey Jar, sorry to hear about your wife, hope your well fella

    OFP2 out soon

    And BF1943 sooner 🙂


    Hi Jar 😀

    xdc the doc

    How is your wife doing Jar?

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