OK so who is getting Evolve?

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    I’m undecided atm because I see this as a possibly great teamplay experience but which requires a lot of dedication to get good at while I’m still addicted to PS2. That said, it looks good and maybe I could cope without PS2 occasionally…. The only other problem is that I’m worried that if I get this I’ll have to stick to public games which I imagine will be shit compared to playing with people you know, or at least people you can trust to play the objective. L4D had this problem, and I rarely played it, so I’m worried it’ll be the same thing with Evolve if I get it. Having said that though, if lots of us are getting it, I might be persuaded by that alone.

    Also as a side note, you can apparently get the game for £25 quid if you search around offers, but I don’t know whether anyone offering that price is legit.

    crazy hippo

    i have it, as does Wizzywigg and Piercehead. i got 25% off the price through greenman gaming. if you are still very much hooked on PS2 i would hold off till its dropped in price as its a very different game and doesnt have the bigger picture of world conquest etc. its also not quite as good as L4D was for jumping into and playing for 20 minutes or so


    I’ve got it.

    Early impressions are that it’s good but it might get repetitive pretty quickly, mainly because all the maps look the same to me.
    Agree that it’s not as good as Left 4 Dead but it does have one major advantage in that you can play it totally single player as hunter or monster if you don’t have enough people online to play it.

    It’s pretty straighforward to play though, so no concerns about not picking it up fairly quickly.


    Can be purchased for £17 for Russian version if you want to activate via VPN



    hmm tempting, although it says on the page that the VPN is needed to play the game as well 🙁

    Is the single player mode any good SOIA?


    AH didn’t see that part, ping would go through the roof.


    Single player is just the multiplayer modes with bots, so I’m guessing that if you can’t get 5 people you can always play mp with fewer and the bots will fill in the gaps. Not tried it though.

    My opinion is that the AI is as good as it could be. Put it this way, playing SP as one of the hunters the monster beats me quite regularly. It’s a bit easier as the monster but you still have to be careful because if the hunter AI corners you before you’re fully evolved it kills you pretty quickly.

    I’ve had 2 games (out of loads, rounds generally last less than 10 minutes I’d say) where the monster AI has bugged and gone catatonic. Also had a few games as the monster where one of the hunters has wandered off on his own, though it’s been the same one every time so I’m not sure if this is a bug or intentional.

    I’ve only played SP and enjoyed it so far. I haven’t bothered with MP because it no way am I playing this with randoms, given that the hunters rely heavily on team play the numbnuts who take this kind of thing far too seriously would do my head in.


    Ben’s general enthusiasm for the game convinced me to get it.

    It’s definitely been designed with competition in mind. If the monster is good and hunters are pubs the monster wins easily. If pre-made hunters and monster isn’t good then the hunters win easily.

    Due to the class aspect it’s also impossible to carry a bad team unless the monster is a total chode.

    With two good teams the game is great. Though that doesn’t happen often just like in L4D.

    Overall it’s like L4D with the tank, no zombies and occasional ai monsters that can attack the monster and hunters.


    @AutomaticMeat wrote:

    Ben’s general enthusiasm for the game convinced me to get it.

    It’s definitely been designed with competition in mind. If the monster is good and hunters are pubs the monster wins easily. If pre-made hunters and monster isn’t good then the hunters win easily.

    Due to the class aspect it’s also impossible to carry a bad team unless the monster is a total chode.

    With two good teams the game is great. Though that doesn’t happen often just like in L4D.

    Overall it’s like L4D with the tank, no zombies and occasional ai monsters that can attack the monster and hunters.

    But with more anal rape and the absolute gaurantee that when sales start to dwindle, there will be overpowered and unbalanced DLC released to squeeze the last pennies out of the people who bought the game before it dies.


    @bmstalker wrote:

    But with more anal rape and the absolute gaurantee that when sales start to dwindle, there will be overpowered and unbalanced DLC released to squeeze the last pennies out of the people who bought the game before it dies.

    Are you still angry about BF4?


    Evolve nah your ok

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