ps4 or xbox1

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  • #20433
    xdc magicker

    Greetings all

    So if you were buying a console for the kids.. which would it be? Boy 8 Girl 13



    I had the same decision to make last year. I ended up picking a PS4 as at the time, the xbox was an always on device, with a constant network connection and had a camera attached to it at all times to work (the kinnect). This in a child’s bedroom did not seem right.

    Combined with their desire to cash in on 2nd hand games market (you have to pay to transfer license for pre-owned game) as well as the fact that ps4 was cheaper was what swayed me in the end.

    * Edited for spelling as typing on phone is a pain in the ass.


    The only opinion I can really offer is that it seems to me from friends and online people talking about these things, that the ps4 is generally the better choice. Last gen everyone went Xbox, this time I think people are swinging back to PlayStation….. Or so it seems from the position of not giving a fuck.

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