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  • #14324

    Chaps, I have fired off 3 new polls in the recruitment section. All for peeps who have been on the to-watch list for some time.

    Now that the 1stBW thing has blown over (I farking say it has, OK!) I thought we could get back to reviewing a few peeps who got stuck in a holding pattern while we all had a go at each other over Messy & Co.

    I aslo want to state here that I do not see myself as the chief recruiter or anything. I most certainly am not, its just that it is rare for anyone else to kick something off.

    If anyone objects please let me know and I can kick yer nads past yer ears we can have a chat about it like civilised peeps.



    All good by me old bean.

    get em all in…


    Yeah there all good get them in an then close the doors again for maybe another six months or so.

    That way we don’t have mass recruiting polls everytime Phart decides to be nice for 10 mins 😆


    I have mixed feelings about Ronathon . But Lensman has been around since the 42 days and has always been a quality guy 😀 . As for Cowboy , don’t know him well but he seems to be a fun person and is a friend of Neons .Which is fine by me 😀

    XDC MadHippy

    Ronathon used to be Strontium_Dog from the 42 days – I’ve never had any problems with him.

    Does Lensman actually want to join XDC? I think it was mentioned that he does not somewhere

    Cowboy is Neon’s plaything so if anything goes wrong we can go get Neon.


    The only bit I noticed was Lens joking about looking after XDCers on the piss when he wasn’t one of us, get him in!


    yer what badge said

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