reported again……….

Home Forums XDC Private forums XDC Chat! reported again……….

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  • #17058
    XDC wild egg tamer

    legit got in touch with me via msn to tell me he had reported us again and that the forums would shut down……… 🙁 or pehaps another warning issued!

    He also asked that i post a link to the T&C’s of 1and1 but wouldn’t go into specifics as to what rules we’ve broken as we would make ammends to change it before 1and1 got to see what ever it is!! 🙄;jsessionid=47184CD0265DBE7A660C46DA3A3C6A2C.TC32b?__frame=_top&__lf=Static

    is there any part of the site where we have posted details of an individual ?



    OK. He is blatantly acting like a complete turd (of the villain that wants revenge variety)
    Can someone just find his address and put us all out of our misery?

    XDC MadHippy

    oh FFS – when will he just fuck off


    just another pathetic attempt to gain attention – ignore the little fucker he’ll soon get bored,

    XDC wild egg tamer

    once again guys, keep this in the private forums please……..

    removed in case it breaks some 1and1 rule…

    thats pretty much the chat i had with him…as you can see he’s still bitter about the lee chap and the fact he’s been banned!!

    your right there lammie, i think i’l leave my msn off for a while 🙄


    Ill read that in a sec. but while we are at it. Can we send his details about his reckless driving to his local constabulary?

    just read it. I stick by what I said a villain turd with a fixation on revenge.
    Dont think we will get closed down. I’m sure it will be just another warning.
    Next time you chat to him ask if he’s having Mr Davi’s love child or perhaps he is the Morwena banks vibrating pussy 🙄
    In any case he is obviously mental and needs help


    Heres some words to express how I feel about LeGit:

    cunt. hate. die.

    If i come up with more, ill let you guys know…thanks…


    @=XDC= wild egg tamer wrote:

    your right there lammie, i think i’l leave my msn off for a while 🙄

    but then how can we study the mind of a mentalist?


    He certainly is a mentalist. Its a shame that this whole thing plays such a big part in his sad, lonely, life – that he spends time reading through Terms and Conditions and finding secruity issues for forums. Wacccckooo!

    xdc magicker

    there are probably a shed load of t&c violations in these forums – after all hosting companies will cover themselves from all angles – the main thing is no one complains about most forums – one option we might want to consider is to make all forums invisible to non-registered people?

    what do people think?


    good Idea Andy. I think that we just have a note on the main page that says you must register. Or create one visiters forum thats open to the public. If anything I suppose he’s making us assess our security and vulnerability which makes him only a 110% cock

    xdc magicker

    ok i have now made all forums visible only to registered people – might help – might not – it will be difficult for him to show violations if nothing else – the last time i am fairly sure one and one simply cut and pasted his complaint to me

    will have to see what follows. –


    Had the same thought, 7th Dr do i this also i believe 🙂


    So do we know what the complaint was about.

    That pathetic arse hole needs a good fucking kicking in my book.

    Your not liked by a certain group of people. Any normal persons would go “ok then i dont want anything to do with you’s then”. Not this prick “oh ok then ill shut your website down”. Pathetic infintile spiteful fuckstick. I really wish shit lips lived a little bit nearer to me so that i could go and have a quiet word with him.

    I know the guy is a bit of a head case and i am sorry for the swearing but XDC has been going for so long to be brought down by such a waste of human DNA like him is a traversty. You lot are the salt of the earth and it really pisses me off to see this happen.

    If this website was a pub and hed done what hed done and said, he’d be having a chat in the car park a long time ago.

    WET, is there nothing you can say to this guy to sort him out before this goes a stage futher. This is peoples livelyhoods on the line here, does he not realise? Or does he not give a Fuck?


    @=XDC=Mouse101uk wrote:

    This is peoples livelyhoods on the line here, does he not realise? Or does he not give a Fuck?

    He gives a fuck about Lee Davis aparently 😉

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