Snakes on a plane!

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    Variety reports that when New Line Cinema opens the highly anticipated SNAKES ON A PLANE in over 2,500 theaters nationwide on August 18, it will do so without holding advance screenings for critics or other press. While this has traditionally been a practice employed with movies for which negative reviews are expected, New Line claims it’s being done here in deference to the fans who have made SNAKES an Internet sensation. “Understanding that they would be the driving force behind the film,” the company says of the people behind countless fan sites, blogs, unofficial tie-ins, etc., “we decided early on they should be the first to see it. They will have the opportunity on Thursday evening, Aug. 17, at 10 p.m. shows across the country. We are not planning any advance media or promotional screenings prior to that.” That means that while daily papers likely won’t be able to run reviews of SNAKES the next day, websites (including this one) will have the chance to spread the word immediately.


    YAWWN .. not only are yo a Chav.. but you are seriously lacking Forum skillz.. this news is old forums news you chavn00b lol

    NOT to mention its been on the internet as a huge pisstake for months 😉

    p.s. you should watch the trailer :/


    Speaking as a seasoned (and I like to think) expert at reviewing films I’d like to point out that most of the sub-standard film reviewers (mostly the staff at Empire Magazine) miss the point of most films.

    Look at Blade Runner. When it came out it was panned, but a quarter of a century later the reviewers finally ‘got it’. And now it gets much critical acclaim. Plus, if you want to see a reason why most film reviewers should be lined up against a wall and shot, just look at the Oscars.

    The world needs film reviewers as much as it needs food reviewers (don’t see them much do you?) Can you imagine somebody who’s never met you before telling you which food you should like, based on their own opinions? The only person who I can think of who does that is Cowboy, and he’s normally wrong.

    Neon says:


    Make those opinionated fuckers work for a living.

    Obviously except Richard Bacon, who keeps it real:

    THIS is like the longest, most depressing episode of Casualty you’ll ever see, but in Hungarian. It consists of 63-year-old Mr Lazarescu (I was going to tell you the actor’s name, but it won’t mean a bloody thing to you), who seems to be dying from a duodenal ulcer and a cerebral haematoma, and is driven to different hospitals all night. With his little knitted cap, he looks like a Soviet version of Compo from Last Of The Summer Wine, but instead of going down the Yorkshire dales in a bath-tub, Mr L slips 7 in one and gets a critical head injury. (Admittedly, this is about as funny as Last Of The Summer Wine.)

    Weirdly, after being bored for an hour, I quite began to enjoy it, but I don’t know why.

    It’s really slow-paced, but somehow a bit hypnotic. He feeds his cat. A neighbour returns a borrowed drill. He’s sick in an ambulance. I’m not sure if he even dies. It just kind of ends.

    But I did learn that Hungarian women doctors are fit. This film’s big point is that even if your death is a big deal to you, to doctors you’re just another job.

    You’ll fall into one of two camps with this film… you’ll either hate it or be a bit bored.


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    YAWWN .. not only are yo a Chav.. but you are seriously lacking Forum skillz.. this news is old forums news you chavn00b lol

    Eh em, the article is about it being previewed to the internet fans that are making it so popular…..


    You acctually read his waffle?



    I saw a trailer for this last night when I went to see Superman returns (which as an excellent film) and it looks pants.

    I mean it pretty much mentioned every other major film out this summer in its trailer and then said none of the have snakes lol.

    highly unoriginal name too lol


    Thats why the film will be Huge I reckon 😀


    I dunno. It looks like it might possible be the best film ever made…


    diddnt i post about this a few monthes ago? 🙄 😆

    deffo gonna watch even if it is shit though 😀

    XDC MadHippy

    @=XDC= MadHippy wrote:

    I noticed this bit from the article:
    During production it was decided that some scenes should be re-shot and others added to give the movie a harder edge.

    The changes included adding more snake attacks, a mile-high sex scene and some profane language.

    So I might go and see it now 😛


    a mile-high sex scene

    Does it involve a one eyed trouser snake?


    @TurksMeister wrote:

    a mile-high sex scene

    Does it involve a one eyed trouser snake?

    CLASSIC ONE 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

    four-aces deluxe

    I’m gutted. When I saw Neon’s post I really thought Snake Plissken was back! 🙁


    the down side is it only seems to work with phones in the states but still 😆

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