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  • #20239

    Am I right in thinking there is a beta out? If so, how is it?!


    very good although presently im locking up a lot so its not very playable for me at the moment


    Good good. But think ill need to upgrade my 6850 and maybe do some oc stuff…other than than it seems to be ok. Luv the squad stuff. It puts you straight in to fe Max’s squad. But there seems to be some sort of probs with this one too…

    figure skating any1? 😆 and hmm killed in action in middle of nowhere…


    Don’t worry abouy upgrading based om early beta occa, my pc’s far from terrible and the game at the moment is barely playable. The patches will sort it out.


    @Alzir wrote:

    Don’t worry abouy upgrading based om early beta occa, my pc’s far from terrible and the game at the moment is barely playable. The patches will sort it out.


    crazy hippo

    there is also a new AMD/ATI driver that was released to improve BF4 performance so it might be worth using that one. i havent done it yet but will tonight to see if it actually makes a difference.


    I’m on 13.10 beta atm.

    It’s not because of beta being laggy etc. Just that Ive been planning on getting new gpu. 😉

    crazy hippo

    @Occa wrote:

    I’m on 13.10 beta atm.

    It’s not because of beta being laggy etc. Just that Ive been planning on getting new gpu. 😉

    ah fair enough. those are the drivers im using and im getting good enough FPS with my 7850. i want to do a full upgrade on my pc but its not gonna happen any time soon 🙁


    I need to forget about doing any OC as my mb aint clockable ffs 😆


    I’m in love with this one 😆


    good isn’t it!

    Think we all are really enjoying this!

    XDC wild egg tamer

    I’m leaving Italy tomorrow to drive back to the UK.was going to pop into pharty towers in Geneva but don’t think time will allow so that shall remain a pleasure for next time…….who for exactly I’ve no idea 😉

    Anyhow, once back I shall download the beta and have a play along with you chaps. What’s the general census of what the game is like?


    I’m also out of the loop for a while, so some updates on how it’s looking through beta would be interesting to read.


    I want my heal points! ATM you cant gain any heal points am i right? And reviving time is a big joke atm. Actually you need to be in really i mean really close to a team mate to revive one. That’s why im equipped with m320 just for the sake of tanks and other vehicles. I think it’s easier to take down a pilot from attack choppers with assault rifles than it was in bf3(impossible) 🙂 And love the factor that it puts you in the same squad with friends. Theres still some heavy tweaking that needs to be done as it seems there are some problems with fps and the lag spikes…

    Theres some quickies from me…


    Farewell BF3

    Just a few plus and minus points from me, well more bugs more then minus points (Its also worth mentioning that this beta is a month out of date compared to what was shown in Euro Gamer and I am sure they will address the majority of the annoyances in the game – be prepared for a day one release patch)

    + Looks simply stunning (ok well it cost me £700 to upgrade my rig)
    + Levolution (gay name but hey) once that building goes – the visibilty of the map reduces dramatically plus the detail of concrete flying around your face when trying to take shelter – very nice
    + Squad play
    + The fact you can automatically join your friends
    + Gun models look awesome (although been playing assault class most of the time)
    + Gameplay – (theres not so much jumping to each flag, you can spend literally a whole game figting between two flags)
    + Choppers easy to take down (so I have witnessed)
    + The map is very large (I hope all maps will be like this)

    – No heal points (sure this will change)
    – The medi bag seems to fly towards the injured player instead of laying on the floor (its quite funny to see it fly off like a bag in the wind)
    – Revive – you need to be very close to revive, you literally get 3 seconds
    – Levolution (when the building crashes and your on the building, it literally goes black and your dead, although im sure this will be changed)
    – On the fence with battlepacks (i can see these being purchasable items)
    – Tank splash damage seems a bit weak
    – Chat window seems to play over your loadout screen
    – Had on occassion 6 men squads (no doubt will be fixed)

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