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  • #41823

    Spunks – you should really read your own references 🙂

    The first one is irrelevent – only talks about cannbis in the US. I don’t care about the US law – I live in the UK.

    The second one contains a number of interesting snippets, including this:

    Why it is that so many youngsters, fully aware that they can obtain these drugs legally and free of charge, so often prefer for long periods to pay black market prices for them? The reason given most frequently by them is that they consider it a much greater temptation and risk of becoming definitely “hooked” and ending up as established “junkies” once they put themselves in the position of getting the drug easily and regularly from a doctor without having to make any great effort (for instance by hanging around at midnight at all-night pharmacies, such as in Piccadilly, where “registered” drug addicts obtain their prescribed drugs, and without any expense.

    The “pushing” of surplus drugs obtained by addicts on prescription was reported by all the hospitals in the London area admitting sizeable numbers of heroin and cocaine addicts

    Translation – doesn’t matter if you can get the drugs legally, there will still be a thriving black market in them.

    “non-therapeutic” addicts admitted to psychiatric hospitals and homes in recent years stated usually that they first obtained their supplies of heroin and cocaine from other “registered” addicts who thus served as a “focus of infection “.

    Effin marvellous this one – the more people on legally obtained drugs, the more young people are introduced.

    xdc the doc

    I dont know what references these are lads – I cant be arsed reading them…. biut your conclusions dont fit with reality lensman.

    You CANNOT get heroin or cocaine prescribed! Lol. Doctors do not get innocent teenagers and shoot them up with crack FFS – what country are you living in???

    I am a registered Drug rehab provisder – im pretty au fait with what docs can actually do.

    1) prescibe methadone for people on heroin. Junkies dont like methadone. It doesent get them high properly. Theres a big black market for it because most junkies will try and sell it (it still works to some degree) and get some proper stuff. This is not too prevalent now mind as most methadon programmes you have to swallow the stuff in the chemist in front of a pharmacist. Its worth noting that YOU HAVE TO BE A HEROIN ADDICT BEFORE YOU CAN BE PRESCRIBED METHADONE! You cant just go down to the GP and asked to get hooked on opiates!

    2) Prescribe benzodiazepines. Doctors HAVE caused a lot of people to get addicted to these things, but we are a lot better now and most GPS are very hard assed about prescribing sleeping pills for this reason. Theres no system in place for givening diazepam addicts prescribed drugs legally from GP’s… if we think they are addicts we are meant to just not prescribe them.

    3) Dihydrocodeine – same rules apply as in point 2.

    There were a few small trials of using actual heroin for addicts – but they were VERY small and supervised by hospoital specialists… and usually the daily mail kicks up such a huge fuss that no government would sanction them.

    Just muse on this point guys…. say we legalised all drugs…. and ALL those police oficers currently doing narc work were suddenly free to start plodding the beat of the streets of our cities looking for real crime? Imagine all those government resources being freed… not to mention the vat on our new drug products?? If we reinested that into crime prevention what a beautiful world this would be! At worst I reckon 1% of the population would choose to live out completely unproductive lives in a 24 hour drugged up haze. Good on em! I dont care if they want to piss away their lives. As long as they aint burgling my house/ raping my children/ having to prostitute themselves to fund their habit… leave them to it!


    You should probably read the Spunk’s second reference – I know it’s long. But what Spunks was saying was that in the early 60’s these kind of prescriptions were legal, and then the law changed to what I guess is the rules you are talking about.


    the 1st one reffers to how cannabis was forced into becoming illegal. Yes it happened to be in the US but that pressure forced other contries in the west to comply the UK obviously being one of them so, yes it regards your country.
    The second was written in the early sixties. That was almost 50 years ago and doesnt really relate to know.
    To make my point. I don’t see drug taking as a good thing. Only I see it as far worse if it is’nt controlled.
    Most deaths or overdoses are caused by people not knowing exactly what they are taking thanks to the black market. Take Holland for example. They have a thing called a safe house where you can test your drugs to know exactly what you are taking. For example someone like Janis Joplin was used to adulterated heroin then, the day she had a pure dose without knowing it was pure, overdosed and died.
    but anyway I digress. Yes, drugs are bad, but you can’t just brush the problem under the carpet by putting it in the hands of “criminals”

    XDC wild egg tamer

    woot!!!! for the Daily Mail 😀

    and ALL those police oficers currently doing narc work were suddenly free to start plodding the beat of the streets of our cities looking for real crime?

    i hope your not implying that “narc work” isn’t real policing there doc 😯 😉

    xdc the doc

    @=XDC= wild egg tamer wrote:

    woot!!!! for the Daily Mail 😀

    and ALL those police oficers currently doing narc work were suddenly free to start plodding the beat of the streets of our cities looking for real crime?

    i hope your not implying that “narc work” isn’t real policing there doc 😯 😉

    Absolutely WET, narc work is the biggest waste of time imaginable. A sisyphian task that completely burns out a lot of the guys who do it… in no small part im sure to the fact that every dealer you put in jail there are 2 ready to take his place.

    Might as well employ thousands of highly trained officers to shovel shit from one pile into another pile… and then back again… ad infinitum.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    i don’t know doc….i’d imagine the problem would be a lot worse if there was no police intervention!

    Might as well employ thousands of highly trained officers to shovel shit from one pile into another pile

    Isn’t that what the community support officers were set up for ? There again i’ve not heard them called highly trained yet! 😉


    Eeeh, drug addicts, what a bunch of crazy characters!

    I knew lad who tried to climb a building once. Maybe the drugs turned him into Spiderman, who can say? Anyhow, his superpowers lasted just long enough for him to get 2 storeys up before they gave out. Scratch 1 druggie.

    I knew a bird who went out with a drug addict. Nice lass she was, wouldn’t ever say a bad word about anyone. Honestly, even a complete cunt like me couldn’t really fault her. Anyhow, her boyfriend kicked all her front teeth out so that was her fucked. Hey ho, life is cold! There is a strange kind of balance to this though, because I knew
    a lad who did heroin and his bird decided one night to give him a pint glass extension to his face. On the funny side, it did give us to chance to sing the old metal/hardcore
    classic “Scarred For Life” to him everytime we saw him. I don’t know whether he liked it or not but it was a good laugh. So there you go, I knew a bird who got her face mushed in by her drug addict boyfriend and a drug addict who got his face mushed in by his bird. Yin and yang and all that mystical stuff – spooky!

    There was also that drug addict who got seven shades of stringy shit kicked out of him for kicking my mates car. I’m sure that like all drug addicts he had some fucking sob story (they’ve all got one, I’ve known quite a few when I come to think of it) about being a “victim” of some circumstance or another. This little fucker knew all about being a victim that night, I can tell you!

    Like my mate who was addicted to drugs. No-one cared about his sob story of course after he raped this lass we knew. Never saw him since. Not sure what became of him. Just know that the police weren’t involved and certain shady characters around at the time felt they could deal justice a bit swifter and more effectively than the system. Where could he have been for the last 15 years? At the time, people decided that it was wise not to ask too many questions.

    So there you go, I could go on but you get the drift – violence, death, criminal damage, rape, assault, tramp shagging (now that’s a good story but I’ll save it for when I start up a porno site). All I know is that all the drug addicts I’ve ever met are dead weight. They’re miserable, they have miserable lives and they have miserable ends. You might as well take ‘em all out back and shoot ‘em in the head. You’d be doing most of them a favour.

    So you should legalise drugs – make them bastards pay some taxes whilst they fuck up everything around them before they end up dead in a ditch somewhere. It’s the only contribution you’ll ever get from them. Still, you know what they say – there’s nowt as funny as folk.

    “Scarred For Life”
    Dedicated to _________________________________________________________”
    (Insert the name of your drug addled friend with the pint glass shaped scar right in the middle of his mushky here)

    XDC wild egg tamer

    SOIA for prime minister!!!!! 😀


    Make that two votes for SOIA.

    I used to smoke/sniff everything that was going whilst I was at college, then I grew out of it, rather spend 30 quid on a dencent bottle of plonk than drugs.
    All the guys that I know that are still doing it are a waste of skin, drug addiction is definately a state of mind, Although I sympathise with those guys getting done in reality they still broke the law. If the law sucks do something to change it not break it then complain. I say get draconian on the crime side, If you know your going down for 10 years minimum for something you cant really complain when you get caught and if you do something that your gonna get life for it’s quicker just to take the twat/twat-ess out the back and stick one in the back of the head saves money that way.

    Personally all the people I know who take drugs blame everything else but themselves. Three strikes and your out…like the New Yorkers did

    XDC wild egg tamer

    11th signal for deputy……………….


    What about all those mothers who have recently been let out of jail for smothering their babies when actually the professional witness was at fault.

    They would be dead now… would you then have to kill the witness too?

    Thats pretty tough justice.

    I do however agree with volentary euthanasia… one last way to repay your debt to society… not entirely sure why so much effort is made to keep people who want to die alive… that seems a bit silly.

    xdc the doc

    Ha ha – good one.


    😆 Nice one

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