The future is orange…

Home Forums XDC Gaming Battlefield 2142 The future is orange…

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    …and blue 😯
    In fact is there anywhere green on the planet in 2142? 🙄


    What? does no one else feel that it lacks a bit of fertile land here and there? apparently its a war over fertile lands in northern Africa so where are they?
    Also only a minor gripe but…no airplanes?
    We lost ships and subs with BF2 and now we’ve lost even more in 2142.
    The variety was a key winner when battlefield came out. And OK we have the titans which are big airships I suppose but its only a gameplay mode stuck over the same maps…OK sorry gripe over 😉
    I do actually like the game before Dazzer or n0m come and hijack this thread 😛


    I like the lack of dominant airpower actually 🙂

    XDC wild egg tamer

    i imagine the grass maps will be in the inevitable booster packs that will be out at some point in the near future……. 8)


    Must be said the lack of serious airpower is one of the best things about the game 😀


    I really really miss submarines and ships from the BF series. It was so much fun in 1942 sinking the carrier and trying to dodge a destroyers depth charges!

    Also, on that Iwo Jima map or whatever it was, I remember capping the 2 flags out in the sea with the planes, just throttling back and going real slow, how fun!!

    BF1942, definately the best ever BF. Damn, I’m getting emotional, going to have to reinstall!


    that map was Midway. And yup I used to do the same. clipping the wings in the water every now and then when I wasnt concentrating 😛
    EA should just remake 1942 with the new style of play incorporated. Like the new/old settlers2 with its posh graphics and whatnot.
    I’d buy that for a dollar!

    yeah yeah..i know…its never going to happen 🙄 lol

    xdc the doc

    I was waiting in an internet cafe the other day for my girlfriend to finish a job application letter. Had half an hour to spare so looked to see what games they had and found BFV!

    Ahh the nostalgia! That was a top quality game. Had a quality session on it. Still got the old skillz – came second 😀

    Do you guys not have old school nights of 42/BFV on the server occasionally? If not… you should!

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