The God Delusion. Dawkins

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  • #17610
    xdc the doc

    Well – just finished this last night – very very good book. Well written and full of ingenious ways to make you think hard about your beliefs.

    Some superb research has gone into this and the central hypothesis that he puts forward regarding the likelihood that god doesent exist is compelling.

    His tone is somewhat strident at times – and in many ways i wish he had calmed it down a bit…. i can well imagine people of religious persuasion stopping reading after the first few pages of chapter 2 (basically a rather ill tempered sounding tirade) which would be a shame – because there is a lot in this book that every Christian should read and understand.

    Ultimately however I still believe in God – but have had my view of organised religions evils reinforced considerably. He is very good on the dangers of organised religious groups (even so called moderate ones) and on the huge fallacy of believing everything in the bible (especially the old testament stuff.)

    Where he tended to struggle i found was in his overview of the New testament – he came to the conclusion that it was also crap… but didnt have anything like the same level of evidence to back this conjecture up.

    I still believe that if you take all the crap out of the bible (unfortunately this is almost all of it…. in the abscence of Q I would just leave the gospel of Mark to be honest…. and even that has been shaped by human hands too much 🙂 ) you are left with a ground breaking philosophy of life that may well have a divine dimension.

    If only Paul hadnt got his stranglehold grip on Christian thought for the next 2000 years on the basis of his delusional beliefs and psychotic hallucinations Christianity would be a very different beast nowadays…. but anyways… thats just my own crazy thoughts on the matter.

    Fact is this book should be required reading for all school kids.

    I would be very interested in what Wolf has to say about this one – please read it m8… its important!

    xdc the doc

    Whoops – just realised that magicker already did a very good review of this book a while back! 😀 Dont know how i missed that one.


    I started to read this a few months ago but have been to busy of late to read any book. I ound the first few chapters to be almost incomprehensible vitriol towards organised religions, but as I haven’t read it all I will reserve judgement on it. might get time over Christmas to read it all. My house mate is a bit weird and reckons he has read it when it’s patently obvious he hasn’t and has a certain level of ill informed vitriol that I find in parts amusing and in parts recognise as the problem with Catholics, they appear arrogant and dismissive of critics, which irritates me, we should all take criticism under consideration in every walk of life, and I would argue especially in regards to our faiths. Anyway, I digress.

    xdc the doc

    Like I said get past the tricky second chapter and i think you will find it stimulating!

    WTF is going on with you and housemates though? I take it you got rid of the broadband hogging tards? But now you have another prick in the house?


    nah, he’s an alright guy, just avoid talking about religion with him.


    Interesting.. I’ve got this one on the shelf in Denmark waiting to be read.
    I’ve snuck a peak or two and I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read sofar.

    Although I think it’s a bit much to have to write a whole book in order to dismiss religion as state sponsored superstition..


    I know you’re reviewing what magiker already has but I prefer yours as it seems more open minded.
    No offence Andy 😉
    I will read this book as also what Ive stated before to Paddy that I want to get round to reading most of the main religious source books to be able to have my own angle and interpretation on them and not the opinions of others.

    xdc magicker

    @=XDC=sPUNKer wrote:

    I will read this book as also what Ive stated before to Paddy that I want to get round to reading most of the main religious source books to be able to have my own angle and interpretation on them and not the opinions of others.

    omg! you are in for a painful ride but you are right – the only way is to read them to believe them

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