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  • #17808

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1245184 bytes) in /usr/local/www/ on line 2

    ok this is becoming a joke iv just tried to post a rant about the cost of travel vaccines, it was a good one and took about 30 min for it then to give me the above message when i tried to post it thus losing the whole thing.
    I deceded to try and post a rant oabout the rant i had just writen and lost,that took me another 10 min and it did it again.
    Im now debating wether to just smash the shit out of my computer.


    540 pounds for 2 courses of injections is a fucking joke was the main point of my first rant, with a few stabs at docters admin fees and chemist mark ups.

    time to copy this so if it screws me again i can just past it.



    whats the deal with the pound sign bug thingy?


    You want some cheese with that wine?



    I reckon he’s too skint for your Cheese and Wine old bean


    vaccinations, the biggest legal racket there is…


    Wasn’t there a thread somewhere that said use of the pound sterling symbol caused this?

    Anyway, hit “back” if you do get the error – FF/IE should have cached the page and you won’t have lost your typing. Then just find the offending symbol & replace with “quid”.

    Makes me laugh, though – everyone calls Microsoft for having crap software, and then you get bone stupid bugs like this in Linux & PHP apps…..

    xdc the doc

    Its true Munkee – the cost is high… but a few things to think about.

    1) People will pay 2-3 grand on the holiday of a lifetime… but skimp on the 200 squid for some vaccinations that might save them a slow painful lingering death or a lifetime of disability from encephalitis etc etc… go figure.

    2) Brings home the true costs of drugs doesent it? People whine about the NHS day in day out… but a lot of my old patients regularly walk out of here with a stash of drugs from the pharmacy worth 2-300 pounds EVERY 2-3 MONTHS. Cost to them? zero. Its incredible really. Especially when you find self same drugs stuffed in cupboards in the kitchen when you do a house visit cause they didnt actually want to take them!

    3) Dont know what you are talking about Judge…. if you have to start seeing your GP regular in NZ you will learn about being fleeced in a far more thorough fashion 🙂



    No wonder I’ve never heard of a poor chemist.

    Tis true though Munkee, those kinda drugs cost shed-loads, especially when you can get a couple of ‘E’s for a fiver. Cost me 240 for my trip to Kenya a couple of years back and during my time there nothing bit me and I didn’t drink the tap water, so I hardly got my money’s worth.


    yeah tried the back button, it still lost it all.

    Think im just gonna front the costs for the rabipur and japanese encphalitis (sp). was more pissed of by the fact that doctors surgerys charge differnt rate for the admin fees ranging from 20 to 40 pounds per course. 2 jabs costing 70 quid at my local plus the 200 for the 2 vaccines. if i walked an extra 10 mins to the next surgery i would get the jabs and vacines for 100 pounds less… but im not allowed to do that due to docs not taking on patiants signed on at another practice.

    fucking anoying that you carnt take advantage of the differing prices. once you registerd with a doc your stuck with them even if there robbing you blind 🙄

    xdc the doc

    yeah – that is bullshit. Though you are technically able to go to a specialist travel clinic… but they are likely to charge just as much if not more.

    BTW – we dont charge any fee here in the outer hebrides… even for the jabs! 🙂 Dont know how we get away with it but its true! Probably would have to pass on the cost for japanese encephalitis though… thats an expensive one.


    The Scottish parliament (whatever it’s called) abolished prescription fees for Scots. Hope our devolved government do the same, cos they’ve done feck all else of use.


    yeah i had a look at the specialist travel clinics but thay seem to be even more expensive. was debating picking up the perscription and just self administering it 😯

    Too many people on the make in this country, the guy in the chelist was saying theres a min of a 30% mark up on travel vaccines. two chemists 5 mins apart in lanc had a differnce in price of over 50 quid for the Jap E 🙄


    @xdc the doc wrote:

    Its true Munkee – the cost is high… but a few things to think about.

    1) People will pay 2-3 grand on the holiday of a lifetime… but skimp on the 200 squid for some vaccinations that might save them a slow painful lingering death or a lifetime of disability from encephalitis etc etc… go figure.

    2) Brings home the true costs of drugs doesent it? People whine about the NHS day in day out… but a lot of my old patients regularly walk out of here with a stash of drugs from the pharmacy worth 2-300 pounds EVERY 2-3 MONTHS. Cost to them? zero. Its incredible really. Especially when you find self same drugs stuffed in cupboards in the kitchen when you do a house visit cause they didnt actually want to take them!

    3) Dont know what you are talking about Judge…. if you have to start seeing your GP regular in NZ you will learn about being fleeced in a far more thorough fashion 🙂

    Don’t need to tell me about GP’s in NZ m8, $60 then they get the diagnosis wrong and you have to pay another $60 to go back…it’s genius. Then they go through the little black book to see which drugs are on special this month.

    When I say vaccinations are a racket I am talking about the fact that a surprising proportion of them either don’t work or offer you little protection. Like anything it’ about informed choice, but the whole illusion that if you have a jab for a disease you won’t get it are laughable. Anyway I’m not going to win an argument against a doctor (so I won’t try) that goes way deeper than vaccinations, pharmaceuticals and GP kickbacks.
    My whole view changed over the whole MMR and Vitamin K thing so we did a bit of research. I will not be convinced that giving a child (especially a baby) a ‘multi jab’ is a good thing it’s about saving NHS cash. Meaning it’s not about the health of the patient any more. Why does a baby need a jab for Rubella? to protect pregnant women??…. Well why don’t they get the jab? Girls used to get it at primary school for that reason, so why does a 1 year old need it? Why do girls need a mumps jab? Also I had measles, wasn’t the end of the world. Honestly though Doc I would love to hear your thoughts on that out of respect for your opinion and nothing else.

    ……damn I’m ranting….

    xdc the doc

    First of I aint gonna argue with you Judge… strongly held health beliefs (like any other beliefs) are rarely changed by someone jawjawing away…. medically qualified or not. I feel duty bound to put the other side of the story so people can have a starting point to think on regarding their own kids. And I agree with you 100% re GPing in NZ – they are good quality doctors… but my god we are lucky to have the NHS here… money always corrupts things.

    Anyways… 1) Vaccines are VERY effective in kids. Theres misinformation here because some vaccines (yellow fever/ japanese encephalitis etc) have low success rates. But trust me on this – the efficacy of measles vacs is over 95% after the booster, Mumps – Over 95%, Rubella – likely 90% or more. That is bloody good.

    2) People forget how horrific these diseases are. Measles kills 2 in a 1000 kids, 1 in a 1000 get encephalitis (inflammation of the brain which can cause long term disability.) So every time i hear a mum say “such and such got measles and they were fine” it makes me want to scream. So your friend was one of the 997 kids who got away scot free? Good for you…. I aint playing dice with my kids thank you very much.

    Mumps causes (usually mild but not always) encephalitis in 5 in a 100 kids… not to mention infertility from orchitis in males.

    Rubella? I just looked up the figures for this… in the 60’s in the states 20000 cases of congenital rubella syndrome were diagnosed every year. Thats 20000 kids with varying degrees of being blind and deaf…. the number of miscarriages are not clearly known…. but would be massive.

    3) Single vacines are not discounted on cost grounds alone… if the NHS wanted to use them i doubt it would cost that much more as we buy in bulk. Theres good reasons for doing all the vaccines at the same time – mainly to do with the unacceptable delay in having to spread them out over a long period of time.

    4) Your point about rubella vaccination is an interesting one…. ‘why the hell do we vaccinate young boys against a disease that will never harm them’ would be a better way of putting it. Well…. if you dont vaccinate your kids against rubella…. and my wife is in the 10% of vaccinated women who have no protection to it… we end up with a deaf blind kid. Is that important to you? At the end of the day public health is in many cases an altruistic thing. if we vaccinate enough people we get ‘herd immunity’ and everyone is happy. if you dont vaccinate your kids they may well be fine… “Im alright Jack” as long as everyone else gives their kids the jab. Sometimes its better to do what is right for society than what the Daily Mail tells you is right because of a crackpot Doctor (who is about to be struck off for unprofessional practice) and his crackpot ideas about MMR and autism.

    Here endeth the lesson.


    Ever 12 weeks I take medication worth &75, and it only costs me &6.80 (or what ever the fees currently are)… sometimes I get 2 doses in a pack… no complaining from me!

    Although I did once get a letter from Charing Cross hospital with:


    written on the envelope (WTF is the point in that!!), and then a reqest for ‘Mr Hall’ to wear a loose fitting blouse to the appointment…

    I wore a corset to spite the fuckers!

    xdc the doc

    You only take it every 12 weeks? I am genuinely confused… what the hell is it? (Dont say if its confidential of course.)

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