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    Cannot comment on the film as yet, will keep you posted.


    The trailer can be found on the main website


    Cool site by the way. Film looks awesome.


    gheyest post ever!

    Think that food poisonings effected your brain mate.. no wait.. it was always like that muhahahaha!


    That Max is making a mockery of the XDC Cinema and Music board!

    I say we ban him!


    he was banned but he turned on his hax 😛


    Steve, i can comment on your gayness, theres lots of it. and it dosnt run in the family.


    Top film. Fit bird, good battle scenes and some comedy thrown in there.

    9/10 well worth watching. 😀



    I have the game on 360.. theres something sexual about being able to transform into vehicles and drive around like GTA.. then transform again into a huge robot and pwn stuff.. as a decepticon you can just trash the city! WOOT!

    cant wait to watch the film!


    10/10 .. film of the year .. brilliant!

    and I aint even finished watching yet 😀


    I’ve been waiting well over ayear for this since I heard news it was in production, but to avoid having high expectations then the film failing to meet them, I ignored the hype and ignored the buzz and updates to the news and trailers so the film wouldn’t end up competing against impossibly high hopes. Even with the bar set low I was still sort of disappointed 🙁

    Things I liked: Return of the Transformers! Live action… decent special FX, hot chica, lasted a couple of hours instead of the usual 90 minutes, a few unfucked referneces to the 80’s.. ie the odd quote (though didn’t have the same impact) and the odd repeated action ie: like the original movie where Kup yanks up the barrel on a Tank is reenacted. Cheaping on the actors and going with unknowns to have more moolah for elsewhere 😉

    Things I disliked: Lame story, lame jokes, unnecessarily over-complicated android forms, bastardisation of key elements from the 80’s ie: allspark/cube instead of the Matrix of Leadership and Vector Sigma amongst other things. Action scene cameras moved too fast, or the action was too fast to adequately see what was going on. Crap score – the original was packed with tunes relevant to the mood which helps polish the whole thing off, this didn’t have much ambient sound besides the birds and the bees =/ Transformed waaay too much.. they transform.. we get it.. but don’t need to see it every 3 seconds they move!

    Things I won’t like: The CGI will look shit/outdated in 5+ years, Transformers will be cooler to the masses 🙁

    Things which could have made it better: Spending a shitload more cash on the models and animation.. but using real scale models with a touch of CGI enhancement instead of pure CGI. A Gestalt for an end boss would have been cool too… something like Devastator would have been more interesting.

    Things which made no sense whatsoever: Setting the whole fantasy of giant killer robots aside, towards the end why would they hide the cube in the city? Yes there are many places to hide it there, but there are a shitload of people who would die whilst the Decepticons try to find it… When they call for an evacuation with the red smoke atop a building… why bother running across half a city to get to the roof of a building, when there are a crapload of skyscrapers with flat roofs within a few paces? Why would Megatron have came to Earth alone? Why bother destroying Beagle II years before invading, then doing a half-assed job? If Bumblebee can’t project sound ie: he can’t speak.. howcome his radio works?

    As with Rise of the Silver Surfer you’ll think it’s excellent if you’re a meathead though to be honest overall the film isn’t actually as bad as I make it sound, but it isn’t really anything special either.

    I’d go with 7/10… not bad but certainly not film of the year, unless it’s a crap year for films? =/


    Ah so mr goodie 2 shoes does watch illegally downloaded films I see


    Watched this earlier, superb really enjoyed it. Plot is a bit weak and sightly predictable but still worth a watch



    same as lammie, good film but plot a little odd.


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    Ah so mr goodie 2 shoes does watch illegally downloaded films I see

    I’m obviously not a goodie 2 shoes, but I didn’t watch it illegally either.


    explain how you watched it which didnt involve being illegal.. and dnt be trying to con me with tales of Canne film festival or trip to usa or you know Michael Bay or they used your fancy dress cardboard transformer you made years ago for the effects of the film etc etc

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